Smell problem


Active Member
I am nearing the end of flowering. My room I would consider sealed, 12x10x15, and in the past couple days on occasion, I notice a hind of what's in the basement when walking up to my front door after getting home from work.

I have a pretty big can filter w/10" can fan hanging from the ceiling opposite corner from where the 2 4" intake are that run out the room through about 3 ft of ducting that are hooked to holes in the side of my house for fresh air. The filter blows the cleaned air into the rest of the basement. At first I had the filter set to only turn on if temps got above 80deg or humidity got above 60%, so unless the fan turned on the room was sealed. Lately, I have let the exhaust run 24/7 which seemed to help at first, but sometimes I still get a nice smell by the front door still, and co2 gets wasted and there's no point in keeping the generator running cause my levels won't get much higher then 500ppm.

My lights pull air from the rest of the basement, through 2 more 10"can fans and then I have about 25ft of ducting, that runs upstairs to the 1st floor, and this has kept my house warm all winter, but they don't pull any air directly from my room.

I bought another 31 or 32 by 10in filter, and my question is where do you guys think I should place the second filter, towards the end of the ducting from the lights, I assume even though there not open reflectors some smell still can seep through being blown into the rest of the house, or should I just place it in the room and have it blow into the room and run it 24/7 and hopefully be able to resume the 1st filters schedule of only turning in if temps and/or humidity got to high?

Any input would be great. Thanks!!! This site has helped me a ton.


Well-Known Member
you could circulate air within the room with a inline fan and a carbon filter. cut the smell down starting right next to the plant


Well-Known Member
i have one filter that scrubs the room and another filter that exhausts the air out of room. what probably happening is the light are sucking the air from around the tent possibly unfiltered air from inside that leaked out from the edges and sucking it up and shooting it around. i would add a filter with exhaust to pull the entire air out of the room at night and once or twice a day this should help you retain negative pressure thus killing your smell problems. worked for me at least plus i dont like the idea of a 100% sealed room, it very hard to guarantee that it is sealed 100%


Active Member
So 1 for add the second filter to the room, 1 for add it to the lights?

I agree I doubt it's 100% sealed, but I did spend a good bit of time building this room, caulking all plywood, the cealing, and in a few places the where my 2x4 met the floor. But I'm sure it's not 100 percent perfect.

I could see how air from the hoods/glass could prob allow unfiltered air to get sucked and blown upstairs, especially since all the lights ducting t"s together before it makes its final run up the stairs.

Maybe if the air in the room was filtered first, the smell getting sucked possibly through the lights wouldn't be as bad? Might just have to add one to the lights and in the room.

Hash Bandit

You could always try to run the fans pushing the air through the lights, its not as efficent but it still works, or run two fans one pushing air and one pulling air that way the pressure stays balanced and they wont suck any extra air in through the lights...

Your best bet is to determin where the smell is comming form then decide what to do...

Are thoes 2 4" intakes running passive or on a fan, if they are on a fan they should only come on when your 10" is on other wise you'll be pressurising your room.

I'm sure its probably form your lights mine useto suck in air from my room, untill i added a 2nd fan before the lights that ballanced it out and now no more smell...


Well-Known Member
gotta seal the light i would work as hard as possible to prevent from adding that drag from a filter to my lights the cooler the lights the longer they last (why i push the hot air off the lights with my fan instaed of pull because the hot air deteriorates the fan.)


Well-Known Member
but in multi light situation you have to pull air directly from hood regardless i dont know how much ducting there is to your light coolling sytem so this isnt a rule of thumb. push or pull they both work they both have downside to them. but keeping airflow is the most important factor to keeping a cool room


Active Member
You could always try to run the fans pushing the air through the lights, its not as efficent but it still works, or run two fans one pushing air and one pulling air that way the pressure stays balanced and they wont suck any extra air in through the lights...

Your best bet is to determin where the smell is comming form then decide what to do...

Are thoes 2 4" intakes running passive or on a fan, if they are on a fan they should only come on when your 10" is on other wise you'll be pressurising your room.

I'm sure its probably form your lights mine useto suck in air from my room, untill i added a 2nd fan before the lights that ballanced it out and now no more smell...
If I pushed air through the lights where would I send all that hot air? If I just let it run back into the room it'd get way to hot, and if I sent it into the rest of the basement i think it will still prob get to hot. Are you saying swap the fans to the other side of the lights and just push instead of pull.

The 2 intakes are passive, no fan.


Active Member
For now I just put the second filter in the corner and leave it running 24/7. And set the exhaust to turn on again only if it gets to hot or humid. I'll see when I get home tonight I theres a difference.


Well-Known Member
im not saying it would work in your situation(fans push vs. pull) im saying they have different advantage based on you system. just for general knowledge. and what im really saying is HVAC TAPE the shit out of your lights ducting and seal that up close to 100%, much easier to do than a room.


Active Member
Ok thanks for the tip. I didn't use any hvac tape at all, just clamps. With 9 lamps, that's 18 places that odar is probably seeping through, plus a couple more wye's, I'll tape those up when I get home, I bet it will help quite a bit.