Smell problem



Super cheese auto
Bio mix all mix
Just over 5 weeks old
4' carbon filter
600w HPS
Temp - 82F max

Walked in the house today and it's got a little smell to it

First time I've ever smelt it when I've walked into the house before.

I've smelt it when I've been outside the tent just a very small smell a couple of wiffs that's it

But I don't want get to week 8 and it's smelling the while house out

Please help


Well-Known Member
That filter may be too small for the tent. Do the sides suck in when you turn it on? Can you close the vents into the tent until it does? You want negative pressue6to ensure all smell goes through the filter.


No the tent does not suck in

Tbh I don't even know how these filter work

I put the ducting on the filter fixed the filter to the tent that's it

The filter doesn't move or nothing

The ducting as some flow going through it, when I put my hand on the ducting I can feel some movemt inside


Well-Known Member
filter, duct, fan. That's the order from inside tent. If that doesn't work, you'll need more airflow, which means bigger fan. The smell is only going to get worse so nip it in the bud


Yeah I'll take it from outside the tent and put it on the end of the filter.

If that's not good enough then I'm going get a 6' filter abd 6' fan


Well-Known Member
you want to have good air exchange for your girls! that means pulling fresh air, through your tent vents, and exhausting your hot, smelly, oxygen out of your grow space. if you have enough fan to pull your tent walls in, you ensure ALL the air is being pulled through the carbon filter and the smell is scrubbed away. if you still smell odor, after the wall are sucked in, you need a new filter.
you will need to balance the air coming in vs the air going out - play with opening/closing vents with your exhaust fan turned on high. after you find your sweet spot, dial your fan (with a speed controller) down to where you have good air exchange with little noise. this is easier to do with a fan/filter combo that's "too big".


Well-Known Member
Humidity may have been a bit high at some point this can cause the filter to lose a bit of its humpth,more so if it's a charcoal one,get some glade plug in's these work a treat.either that or it's a sign a new filter is needed.citrus smelling electric air freshener seem to be the best