

In what ive read it starts in the second week of flowering and continues throughout flowering.


Active Member
i would like to know to...i just put my seeds in the soil last night after 2 days of germination and im growing them in my closet but im new at the game and everything i know now i learn most of it from this website the rest is just smarts...but wut are you growing and how are you doing it


Well-Known Member
i dont know about that. my plants started stinking up my place during veg. they are like two feet tall now and are stankin. and thy have been that way since week three. get a carbon filter and maybe some houseplants with rosemary and shit to mask the odor. and if anyone comes over and you are scared, i like to throw in some instant buttered popcorn into the microwave to mask any of the odor and that shit always works. blaze on


Well-Known Member
yeah man just read up and always and youll be fine. ask question WHEN, not if, problems arise and your plants will be fine. what strain are you growing? you bought seeds or just growing from bagseeds?


Well-Known Member
good shit if hes telling the truth. those are two good strains. i bought one of those grow tent and use two 600w HPS's, air cooled, for my flowering. its working like a charm. to be honest i still use my t-12 flouro to veg my clones. i do a SOG grow, and its working out or me.


Active Member
cool how did he get them...he prolly ordered them...i wish i could but, ok i dont want to get shuned by the other members but im under aged im only 16... and people get mad on some threads at people telling there age


Well-Known Member
yeah, keep it to yourself if your underage is a good policy. but dont be stupid and get your parents arrested on the same note. i dont want to be a hypocrite and say your a minor blah blah blah but i dont want to pretend there isnt a risk for your folks either so be smart about it. keep it small and odorless


Active Member
ya thanks i got it pretty under control and i got back up places to grow if the smell gets really bad and if the plants get to big


Well-Known Member
the smell WILL get bad. start thinking about it now cuz by the time you order something to fix it, it will b too late