Smells like Ammonia?


Active Member
Received a bag from a friend, some commercial brown garbage and it has a very noticeable Ammonia smell....What would cause this?? Doesn't seem natural and never had this problem before. Any thoughts are appreciated..Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Received a bag from a friend, some commercial brown garbage and it has a very noticeable Ammonia smell....What would cause this?? Doesn't seem natural and never had this problem before. Any thoughts are appreciated..Thanks.

DONT SMOKE!!!!!!!!!more than likely sprayed with windex or some type of cleaning solution give it sticky feel to it add weight but gives you HEADACHE if smoked .....DONT bro...U like PLEASE +REP:cry::joint:

South Texas

Well-Known Member
If you trust the Guy, then see "Curing the Bid". Fresh cut, the buds smell great. But the gas takes up to 6 months ot disempate, stinks like .. what you said. "Burping".Is that the deal?


Active Member
Yeah I got it to get through to the weekend, I usually don't fuck with brown bud but my dude wasn't around last weekend and ran out on Tuesday...I trust the guy I got it from, but where he got it may be another matter so doctoring it for weight does make sense as it breaks up to shit...

When you open the sack and smell it, has a noticeable Ammonia smell(could it be mold or plant rot?) kinda like stale piss, no headaches from it and when blazed, smells like burning bud.....Ive only smoked a J of it, then I noticed the smell and haven't touched it since....


Well-Known Member
Probably just some mexican dirt weed that they shipped in ammonia containers to hide the smell. Yeah, you may get a bit of a headache if you burn a lot, but should be fine, I guess.


New Member
It's not windex.... :lol:

It's mold. When mold is allowed to cure with will put off a lemony ammonia smell.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
It's not windex.... :lol:

It's mold. When mold is allowed to cure with will put off a lemony ammonia smell.
Either way, you've got wet weed. Better take notice. Hey Crack... Sexy Pic. I lived in Germany. I think I done that Girl,.. was that You?


New Member
No, it's not me..... my beard would definitely turn you off... :lol:

Yes ST, either way.... it got either mold in the curing or simply got wet and molded up later.

Don't smoke it.


i doubt mold mexicans sativas almost never never mold same with any purer sativas or sativa dom hybrids. more then likely someone sprayed it with ammonia to give it an extra kick kinda. ammonia does something that interacts with the thc and let the thc hit you faster, and stronger. its not just mexicans doing this i have seen endless canadian beasters that smells like ammonia to!!


Well-Known Member
i de say mold... ive seen ppl not cure proper and thats how it turned out... and i have seen moldy mexican shit thats black and crumbls into fluff


i de say mold... ive seen ppl not cure proper and thats how it turned out... and i have seen moldy mexican shit thats black and crumbls into fluff

most mexican sativas are hybrid to a degree but they are mostly sativa!!!! they are very hardy plants, and hard to kill. they will not mold on you when growing, but.......... im sure they would if they were housed in some humid warm ass place for drying!


Well-Known Member
It's not windex.... :lol:

It's mold. When mold is allowed to cure with will put off a lemony ammonia smell.
Thank you, this is the only useful post in the bunch!
Nobody sprays weed with windex.
It's just brick weed that hasn't been properly dried and improperly packaged or stored.


Thank you, this is the only useful post in the bunch!
Nobody sprays weed with windex.
It's just brick weed that hasn't been properly dried and improperly packaged or stored.

only usefull post int he bunch? man suck my d____


Well-Known Member
fuck you dont ask for help if ya not gonna take others thoughts into conbsigeration just telling you from experience seen it done never agreed with it IMOUT ....


Well-Known Member
most mexican sativas are hybrid to a degree but they are mostly sativa!!!! they are very hardy plants, and hard to kill. they will not mold on you when growing, but.......... im sure they would if they were housed in some humid warm ass place for drying!
agreed!!! but who says the mold was from grownig... "weed" its self is hardy whether sativa, indica, sensi.. its a stong plant... that "ammonia" smelling mold is from drying, not growing... to much moisture.. the temp is rite but it wasnt left to crisp enuff b4 curing... it would smell rotten/bacteria/fungusy, if the temp was high and creating the mold...