Smelly's 12/12 From Seed Party Cup Grow!

How much will I yield from 1 female ?

  • 1-5 grams

    Votes: 50 16.0%
  • 5-10 grams

    Votes: 138 44.1%
  • 10-15

    Votes: 125 39.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
u got red stems on it some type of deficieny is taken place my honest guess i shes rootbound...i kno u guys hate me for saying that lol but thats IMHO
Could be, I don't blame you for assuming that but I doubt thats what it is.. Its only 35 days old and I transplanted them @ 20 days into the party cups with almost half of the bottom of the cup straight soil.. I have no doubt they've filled in the soil pretty well already but I don't think its even close to being rootbound after seeing some other party cup grows.

I think moash hit it right on the head from the begining and it was over nuted early on.. Either way its staying in the cup haha..


Well-Known Member
Could be, I don't blame you for assuming that but I doubt thats what it is.. Its only 35 days old and I transplanted them @ 20 days into the party cups with almost half of the bottom of the cup straight soil.. I have no doubt they've filled in the soil pretty well already but I don't think its even close to being rootbound after seeing some other party cup grows.

I think moash hit it right on the head from the begining and it was over nuted early on.. Either way its staying in the cup haha..

fair enough...doesnt sound like it is rootbound..but rather lockout due to overnutes? make sense


Well-Known Member
lookin gravy!!!
the thickness looks ideal for sog...not much stretch at all
and tricky,has the clawing stopped?it will start at top and go downward
if u have flushed and watered a couple days and the clawing stopped progressing....i would go ahead and reapply nutes at 1/4 before the bottom leaves start yellowing out of control
the new leaf looks somewhat normal and the bottom leaves look a lighter color, unless its just the light
Thanks bro, yea thickness is sexy :)

The clawing seems that is has stopped, I've flushed with straight water the last 2 waterings and water and molasses before that one. I'm not sweting it but I would like to do everything I can for her. I will hit her and the rest with 1/4 stength of all nutes, I'm actually switching to beastie bloomz now that there starting there 3rd week so things should start to get interesting her in a few weeks, I'll keep it light for the first few feeding for sure!

fair enough...doesnt sound like it is rootbound..but rather lockout due to overnutes? make sense
Thats what I'm thinking and hoping haha.. I am interested to see how the roots turn out at the end of the grow :)


Well-Known Member
Could be, I don't blame you for assuming that but I doubt thats what it is.. Its only 35 days old and I transplanted them @ 20 days into the party cups with almost half of the bottom of the cup straight soil.. I have no doubt they've filled in the soil pretty well already but I don't think its even close to being rootbound after seeing some other party cup grows.

I think moash hit it right on the head from the begining and it was over nuted early on.. Either way its staying in the cup haha..
just make sure there is no moisture at the bottom of the cup...or this happens
i now see how bad the roots start searching for wasnt even that wet in the net cup when the roots started busting out


Well-Known Member
just make sure there is no moisture at the bottom of the cup...or this happens
View attachment 1279899
i now see how bad the roots start searching for wasnt even that wet in the net cup when the roots started busting out
No moisture under these girls :)

or rather an over application of nitrogen,then a slightly over flush
very common
Thats sounds about right, seeing ffof is strong to begin with plus adding the extra N even at 1/2 strength this girl just didn't seem to like it as much as the others.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah... i am thinking i maylet mine go for a full 9 weeks.. i gave my homie a clone and possibly, i may want to perfectthis strain and make it my own eventually...


Well-Known Member
You should let her go if she wants too!!! I just grew 2 mystery bagseeds right along side each other and one went 55 days and turned out bomb and the other is going to be 9 weeks on tuesday and is most likely getting the chop :) I'm pretty sure you've seen her but those that havent heres a cool pic I just took a few hours ago!

View attachment 1280014


Well-Known Member
damn homie... that looks dank as shit... 9 weeks for an indica... thats about what im thinking... i would much rather more amber trichs on my kush plant than cloudy trichs...