Smelly's 12/12 From Seed Party Cup Grow!

How much will I yield from 1 female ?

  • 1-5 grams

    Votes: 50 16.0%
  • 5-10 grams

    Votes: 138 44.1%
  • 10-15

    Votes: 125 39.9%

  • Total voters

randy leopard

Active Member
[SIZE=-1]1.4 Intake and transport of materials[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Water, and the nutrients dissolved in it (salts), is absorbed through the root hairs of the plant. The condition of the soil plays an important role. Hard dirt allows little space for water to reach the root hairs; a looser soil has much more space, while rockwool substrate can guarantee a good water supply. Root hairs are very important. When they don't work well, the plant receives too little water and food. Growth is retarded. Root hairs are very sensitive; they can easily be damaged by exposure to air and light. [/SIZE]
if bricktop believes it, then i probably should too, but mine are doing just fine. really, really fine!
for my next grow, i probably will use opaque pots, but i used what i had for this grow and everything is looking perfect.

Brick Top

New Member
And 1 OF MY 7 PLANTS IS SATIVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your plants are still seedlings, and a couple a a bit on the smaller side, so it is a bit early to be able to say for sure what anything is with complete certainty since you do not know the genetics. I have had seedlings that were smaller, runts of sorts, that looked very different for a while only because their growth lagged behind and leaves remained smaller and narrower .. and at times those slow growers or runts took off like mad and became my best plant or plants of the group. Sometimes they went on to look like the others and be just like the others and sometimes they did turn out to be a different phenotypes. But with small seedlings it is a bit early to say with any real degree of accuracy what you actually have and what it will turn out to be.

There are also times when a narrower leaved plant will give more of an indica buzz than another plant with wider leaves that can give more of a sativa high. The narrow and wide leaf way of judging is not 100% correct all of the time. If there is a major difference in leaf width and shape in plants that have reached about 8 or 10 inches or more, you can usually feel safe going by it, but in small seedlings, it still remains pretty much a guess.

I did think or or two appeared to possibly be a more sativa phenotype than the rest but still they are almost certainly a cross, an indica/sativa cross of some percentage or another, and might likely have one or maybe two that are a bit more sativa then the others, but they will still be crosses with indica in them and not a real sativa, just somewhat more sativa-ish than the others. Depending on the cross that might be good and it might not be. It all depends on what the genetics are, what was used in the cross and what traits each plant involved in the cross passed on.

Depending on what the cross is there might be numerous sativa strains that have been used over the years in an original cross that was then used to make another cross or a triple-cross that was then used to make another cross and there may have been back-crossing at some point and eventually a strain like that was used in to make the cross you have.

Here are a couple examples of what I meant ... both Cup winning indica strains ... notice the sativa used early in the chain of their creation.

Some trait or traits from the past that came from a sativa or more than one sativa may have resurfaced or became slightly more dominant in one or two of your plants so it or they might have some sativa trait or traits. It might only be in shape/structure/how it or they grow, what their buds are like and how they yield, in other words strictly appearance and the high/buzz may be just like the others. It or they might have somewhat more of a sativa high to them than the others

You will just have to wait and see, if and when you have a harvest and then dry it, cure it and smoke it. If you get that far make sure to keep any different phenotype buds separate from the rest so you will know when you smoke them and that way you will better be able to tell if there is a difference beyond appearance alone.


Well-Known Member
It is my tallest and oldest plant. I guess I can only wait and see if you say. I wish I could take pics. this one is almost 1 month now

Brick Top

New Member
It is my tallest and oldest plant. I guess I can only wait and see if you say. I wish I could take pics. this one is almost 1 month now

Unless they really shot up from the last pictures they are still small seedlings and like I said, a bit early to be making any judgments about and be all that confident about any real degree of accuracy. If and when they get about 10 inches tall and bushy and the looks still remain about the same, you might be right, but again, leaf shape is not always a true indicator of what sort of high someone might get from a plant when you are dealing with a cross.

The times I have grown Mr. Nice Seeds Black Widow (the original White Widow that was renamed) it had narrower leaves than when I grew Seedsman Seeds White Widow knockoff and Seedsman Seeds White Widow knockoff has a higher percentage of sativa in it than Black Widow/White Widow .. so there is an example of something with slightly more indica in it having narrower leaves than something with more sativa in it.

Like I said, only time will tell and you will not be able to know if it will give you more if a sativa high than the other plants until you smoke it, if you get a chance to smoke it.


Well-Known Member
yeah, even in those pics I felt they were all pretty much indica except the one in the top middle, I felt was a possibility of having more sativa but still being indica dominant.

the past 24 hours they all really grew up and it's pretty clear that the one I felt had a little sativa actually appears to be sativa dominant now. that tall one is probably a foot tall now and the 2nd tallest is around 10" to a foot also.

I thought leaf shape was pretty much the easiest and most distinct way of telling the plants genes, not to an exact but into the categories of sativa and indica. but I hope to provide pictures soon.

I'm no marijuana expert by any means. I've smoked a lot of weed in my time, but I never broke it down to a science. we'll just see

randy leopard

Active Member
bricktop. why are you wasting your time with this guy? he obviously knows everything about growing and doesnt need your advice.
you should be able to tell how amazing his growing skills are by his killer setup and obvious knowledge of botany!!


Active Member
bricktop. why are you wasting your time with this guy? he obviously knows everything about growing and doesnt need your advice.
you should be able to tell how amazing his growing skills are by his killer setup and obvious knowledge of botany!!

That all might be true..hahhaa..but If BrickTop wouldn't be so pessimistic with his "IF and WHEN you get to smoke it" and all the I'm smarter than you, therefore I'm the only guy that can grow a decent plant noise, most people would actually pay attention. Every time I run across one of his posts, its always very very useful info, and I always pay attention to it, because dude obviously knows what he's talking about. But, I've never seen a good luck or you're doing fine, But... They always read more like, "here's what I know and I'll pass it on to you because you'll probably never see a bud off your own plant." But, if you take the info from it and disregard the whole I'm the genius will learn something if you read his stuff. -just sayin. :D


Well-Known Member
That all might be true..hahhaa..but If BrickTop wouldn't be so pessimistic with his "IF and WHEN you get to smoke it" and all the I'm smarter than you, therefore I'm the only guy that can grow a decent plant noise, most people would actually pay attention. Every time I run across one of his posts, its always very very useful info, and I always pay attention to it, because dude obviously knows what he's talking about. But, I've never seen a good luck or you're doing fine, But... They always read more like, "here's what I know and I'll pass it on to you because you'll probably never see a bud off your own plant." But, if you take the info from it and disregard the whole I'm the genius will learn something if you read his stuff. -just sayin. :D

LOL, that's probably why I like bricktop... I'm usually the person to help as much as I can with affection. sometimes I like to get straight to the point. Bricktop likes to explain things with no details left out. his post help my life

Brick Top

New Member
bricktop. why are you wasting your time with this guy? he obviously knows everything about growing and doesnt need your advice.
you should be able to tell how amazing his growing skills are by his killer setup and obvious knowledge of botany!!
I can either play with him or I can play with myself ... and being almost 56 years old that means I can only play with myself so many times in a day unless I take a certain little blue pill I fill some of the rest of the time playing with him. I alternate advice with jabs and barbs to amuse myself.


Well-Known Member
that's a beautiful looking cola, unbelieavable for a party cup!! this was a bag seed, right? looks like some pretty decent genetics, whatever it is. i wonder how it'll smoke...


Well-Known Member
very, very nice smelly. ++reppage.
oops. guess i cant give ya anymore just yet.
soon come.
that's a beautiful looking cola, unbelieavable for a party cup!! this was a bag seed, right? looks like some pretty decent genetics, whatever it is. i wonder how it'll smoke...
Thanks guys!

Yea it was bagseed from some pretty good bud I got a while back. It seems like it is very good genetics, thats why I want to attempt to reveg it since there's no clones I can take. Smells very potent for a little girl :) I wonder how it will smoke to, suprisingly it SUCKS up the nutes!!! I've been hitting it with tiger bloom and the soluble Kool Bloom which is very strong as it is and I'm using 4x the recommened amount lol... I started light but still its crazy! I just picked up this stuff in the last month and it seems to be fattening up everything really nice :weed:I also used Fox Farms open sesame and beastie bloomz I just replaced the cha ching with the kool bloom.

Anyway I am very excited to see how it smokes but I can already tell its going to be good :fire:


Well-Known Member
Way to take hold of your thread!! I became hostage for a while!! haha.
She looks great though man!! Can't wait for the weight. haha

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
good thing that plant isnt on top of taf's stool-book-tower gimmick, that would be a little top heavy and end up on the floor, LoL. sorry bro, had to do it.

Brick Top

New Member
if bricktop believes it, then i probably should too, but mine are doing just fine. really, really fine!
for my next grow, i probably will use opaque pots, but i used what i had for this grow and everything is looking perfect.

You use CFLs for your avatar. If you grow using CFLs likely your lighting does not put off enough light to do much if any damage ... but if you tried the same thing using a high wattage HID light or growing outside in full sun .. you would have dead plants.