did you give any consideration to total darkness just before cutting?
I am going to try it with my harvest this weekend. Smokeslikebob swears by 36 hours of nothing(no light, no water) just before cutting it down. someone else with a ton of rep(can't find the thread ) swore by keeping them in the dark for 5 days! he also said to feed the plant cold water on the very last watering.
The thoery behind this is that the plant thinks winter in here and it pushes any of the resin left strait to the buds and guys swear by it. they say it makes them mad frosty!
I'm going to harvest four bagseed plants this weekend and one of them i will cut right away, plant 2 i will keep in the dark for 36 hours, plants 3 I will keep in the dark for two days, plant 4 will be for four days.... then i will see if there is a difference.