Well-Known Member
Did you leave for K-town yet? I'm going to be in MWD today, I was wondering if I could get some of that lime? You can come on out and I'll show you my outdoor if you want.
i'm sure they're somewhat shocked from being moved outside, but even my girl that was born in the dirt outdoors is starting to throw pistols. doesn't make since why she would doing that now, and i know for a fact they're not autoflowering.haha, did you change the soil they might just be a little shocked from that
Thanks for the help today, I'll try to post those pics up tomorrow, I dont think they are too bad.
nice, all of my clones are looking good too. im expecting a longer root time though since they were taken during flower. that aquarium is making a great clone chamber...I will try to post some pics up today of those girls, I need to go out there and water today anyways so I will get some pics while I'm out there. Oh yeah, by the way those clones perked right up, look great. I think I'm going to make one more clone container and get some Kush going. I just realized that I don't have any kush out there.
Bro if you transplanted in the rain and it has been like that for a day or two, I wouldn't water today.....pix would be bomb tho...I wanna see the new area...You guys known eachother before rui?
I find this amusing.,0,2813544.story
lol 1 million and 25 years?? what a joke! still blows me away how dumb people can be. god help themI find this amusing.,0,2813544.story
yea what an idiot. Kush is a landrace strain that's been around Himalayan region for ages, making it the same shit we've been smoking since at least the 70's when dealers started taking it to mexico to grow....He calls kush a modified version of mj from that seen in the 60's and 70's....GET EDUCATED Congressman Kirk!
haha...shaved my head last night, so I have some free deer repellent.i don't think i washed it a good 3 days before i cut it either.