SMMFH! Droopy leaves... HELP!

im guessing you need to water right now since you did not water her into the pot.....start low.
If its an auto then disreguard everything i said about the small pots but keep in mind for future.
underwatering is very simple to see....they droop very bad , then after a water , they will perk back up within a half hour. When its underwatered , the droop is much more then a regular overwater droop. the whole plant , stems and all get rubbery and the whole thing will droop. Its not good to let it droop that far but its MUCH better then overwatering and waiting for it to recoup.
But yea...wait til droop from being too dry and pick that pot up and set it down a few dozen times to really get a memory of the weight. Lightly dig about a uwrter inch into soil to feel the moisture level...probably dry. These things will help you for next watering. Take note of pot weight each day and moisture level on top of soil until next watering. You may have to let it go to slight droop a few times before you can start to time it perfect. It takes time. Don’t forget you’ll be watering with more at once as plant gets bigger. Just remember pot weight and moisture in top of soil. Lots of things will factor in to change things slightly for instance a bigger plant in same pot will droop in a pot before it’s as dry as what would make a small plant begin to droop. Wilt would be the more correct term, I guess
from dry solo to dry/fresh 3 gallons.
Wide or deep pot? Mine are deeper. I’d go from a solo to one of them and I’d use about a cup of water first time with a pretty even spread..maybe a cup and half in slightly wider pot..maybe not quite all the way edge to edge but not straight down the middle either like some guys prefer to do with little ones in bigger pots
Wide or deep pot? Mine are deeper. I’d go from a solo to one of them and I’d use about a cup of water first time with a pretty even spread..maybe a cup and half in slightly wider pot..maybe not quite all the way edge to edge but not straight down the middle either like some guys prefer to do with little ones in bigger pots
again , i agree 100%. im not sure which ones he has but your thinking like me. couple of light waterings followed by normal waterings.
Wide or deep pot? Mine are deeper. I’d go from a solo to one of them and I’d use about a cup of water first time with a pretty even spread..maybe a cup and half in slightly wider pot..maybe not quite all the way edge to edge but not straight down the middle either like some guys prefer to do with little ones in bigger pots
It’s deeper I think.


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