Saddest day ever. I have 7 outdoor organic in soil plants total. 2 for sure have seeds. They're on day 41 of flower. The fires on the west coast have been devastating. We were prepared to evacuate but they have it under control now. I have a polyfilm pvc greenhouse that I put them in last week because the rain is abundant here this time of year. So they had 1 warm week of heavy smoke and little sun. Then two days of rain were Temps dropped to mid 50s with 80 to 99% RH and dew point of 55. Now today its warm and I'm running lots of fans and a constant dehumidifier. I'm a newbie and this is my first grow so I'm devastated. I'm curious what to do? Do I pull off stamens and seeds? Or remove affected plants from greenhouse? Or even more painfully.. do I harvest early?? Plants are 41 days into flower some took 1 week longer then others. See photos.