Nah. He's not. Well, technically, FDD banned him again today, but if you look, his avatar is still there so most likely he has been unbanned already. See, here's the deal:
UB generates $$$ for the site. His topics, his name, is at the top of the Google search engine. They will never ban UB as long as he is generating revenue. That is my opinion at least. But, personally as well, I am all for UB too. Yeah, the guy's rough, grow a sack and move on. But he doesn't do ANYTHING that someone else isn't doing. Example is those recent threads where this crew blew up on a few people. The only difference is that he is by and large INSANELY more popular. Anything UB attracts people like flies to shit. So obviously it ends up turning into a bigger deal than it really is.
Also, here is my biggest fucking gripe during this WHOLE THING!! I wasn't so pissed about the OP's original subject, "Does Bushmaster stunt my plant?" (my words), but about how those assholes were just completely ignoring ALL logic and ALL reason. Like, how many times did we say that that Bushmaster or Gravity shit had something carcinogenic in it? Four, maybe five times? I mean, come the fuck on people?! They were willing to ignore everything UB was saying (and whatever us lessers were saying too) just because it was coming from UB and in a harsh manner....

Well fuck me, I am so glad that there are maybe cancer patients out there, ingesting more carcinogenic shit into their bodies, all because of those asshole SNAKE OIL companies not posting everything on their bottles, and all of the make-me-feel-gooders just all around being dumbasses ignoring good information.
God I hate this site sometimes.....yet it draws me in.