Smoke Rings


Well-Known Member
i can too, in one pull from a cig i can do about 30 rings, i can do it with ganga too...i love doing it, makes you look all sofisticated and shit


Well-Known Member
I can do it aswell, infact there isnt a joint i dont make a smoke ring... ^^



Well-Known Member
I blow perfect smoke rings with ganja smoke. I just take a big pull from the blunt inhale real quick and while I exhale I blow O's. I been doing this couple years now It does take practice to get it down but everyone has their own way


Well-Known Member
no dif between tobacky and ganja for ring blowing.

The real trick is to blow a small slow moving ring and then fire a big fast one so that it splits the other one in two, and you end up with three smoke rings.

Only got it right one and half times though.