Hmm. Down here on the east coast, most I know smoke straight weed. I know friends who smoke weed with backy, but its not my thing.. the only time I've done it.. is by accident--- *hits bowl* *cough* wtf, who put tobacco in this?? *push away* xD
Im no cigarette smoker so any tobacco is way harsh for me. MJ is harsh too, but im used to it, and the burn it causes when it goes down only means i means im fucking up and need to slooow down a bit
After reading much of this, im considering mixing, I smoke daily so my tolerance is very high. It takes about 2-3 bowls and maybe a J and a half to get me really feeling it. (or maybe i could quit for a while =P but im ''addicted'' to the green mistress!)
Around here.. Blunts (usually use blunt wraps) are a special occasion, for when you have a bunch over. Joints, a common thing. My preference is the water pipe--nice and smooth, and nice huge hits

(im trying to stay away from bowls unless were running low.. which has been of late.. they get too hot and the smoke always burns and tears up my throat.)