• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Smoke Weed With Tobacco???


Well-Known Member
wat the hell is up with all these tabaco haters lol...

In Irealand, we dont really distinguish between a spliff or a joint, no one i have EVER met smokes weed pure with no tobbaco, EVER in my entire life :/

thats probably due to the fact that no one grows (i only started myself), and one ounce of weed costs €340 >.> which is EXPENSIVE. its like 2 weeks wages for most students - or more.

Plus, whoever said that people who mix are pussies cause they cant handle pure, try a bong hit with tobbaco+weed in it as opposed to pure weed. its like ten times harder to hit, blows you away to hell. and if u have a good bong, 1 hit = ur gone :)

oh oh my favorite way of smokin weed however, is in a shisha. any1 tried it? :O its awesum. gets me soooo stoned lol, and you dont even notice gettin more and more stoned untill u realise u smoked waaay too much xD - cause its so smooth :) try it if u haven't :)

Freddie Roach

Active Member
what he said!! tobacco is evil, USE WEED as alternative not as supplement!! ALSO people you gotta stop buying blunts and cutting them open in the store parking lots, its nasty and you are still putting money in BIG TOBACCOS pocket
Im 18 and i have been smoking cigs for bout 2 years, i started blazing at bout 14 and i have always put chip in my zoots. It is not addictive in zoots btw and there are more cancer causing chemicals in burning MJ. I stoped blazing for bout 2-3 months cause of exams and i had no cravings (some small ones but that was me wantting to get high lol). I started smoking cigs cause of exam stress the next year. Blunts are the most beautiful things ever, dont not smoke them just cause of you coporation bullshit. They sell somthing great, i will buy it. Did you know that lots of money made from weed goes to wars and terroists and prostitution etc. Does that mean that your gonna stop buying it? one thing if you can grow it but if you dont have that option then what?


ahh so subjecting yourself to a substance waaay more addictive and dangerous is to save money? makes sense, i guess we should all joing shoot it up. org since after all it only takes just a lil bit of heroin and you are WASTED right? LOL great thinking


Im 18 and i have been smoking cigs for bout 2 years, i started blazing at bout 14 and i have always put chip in my zoots. It is not addictive in zoots btw and there are more cancer causing chemicals in burning MJ. I stoped blazing for bout 2-3 months cause of exams and i had no cravings (some small ones but that was me wantting to get high lol). I started smoking cigs cause of exam stress the next year. Blunts are the most beautiful things ever, dont not smoke them just cause of you coporation bullshit. They sell somthing great, i will buy it. Did you know that lots of money made from weed goes to wars and terroists and prostitution etc. Does that mean that your gonna stop buying it? one thing if you can grow it but if you dont have that option then what?
you make alot of sense, epsecially the part about weed causing cancer and prostitution, or is it cancer in prostitutes? You have learned so much in your 18 yrs, cigarettes are so cool man, i like your nicknames for them too, you wont have any yellow teeth or nasty breath and they really are cheap so if i were you id try to get 3 packs a day down if you apply yourself you can do it

Freddie Roach

Active Member
who said anything bout saving money? difference between saving money and affording somthing, you should really try and not be so narrow minded. and tobacho is bad for you but isnt exactly waht i would call dangerouos. Dunno what sort of life you live if you call a cigarette dangerous. Also who mentioned heroin? Why bring in the extreme? Not meaning to be racist and im not saying all, but you yankees must understand that the majority of you lot come accross as right dick heads. You do tend to bring in extremes cause you cant think up anything else to say.

Freddie Roach

Active Member
Wow, typicall. Cant think of anything to say so you miss quote me and then try and insult me. I really cant be bothered to re explaing a simple concept and cigs is simply a shorter way to write cigaretes. I have done nothing to sugest that i try to be "cool" wich shows that you are just following a stero type on no basis whatsoever wich really make you sound like .... wel a fucking mug to be honest. People smoke weed to be cool as well so what is stopping me saying that your trying to be cool? oh thats right nothing but you have done nothing to suggest that so i wont make a fool of myself by saying that you have. I hate to say this but you have just embarresed yourself to anyone who reads this post.


who said anything bout saving money? difference between saving money and affording somthing, you should really try and not be so narrow minded. and tobacho is bad for you but isnt exactly waht i would call dangerouos. Dunno what sort of life you live if you call a cigarette dangerous. Also who mentioned heroin? Why bring in the extreme? Not meaning to be racist and im not saying all, but you yankees must understand that the majority of you lot come accross as right dick heads. You do tend to bring in extremes cause you cant think up anything else to say.
dickheads, thats nice LOL i dont know know why the comparison to heroin, maybe the wicked addiction, the need for patches and therapy and all kinds off bullshit ways to be "cured" when all it takes is an OUNCE of prevention, i guess some of us yankees are just tired of all the health care issues in this country and would rather have our youth NOT hooked on tobacco, so having a 18 yr old come in here and blame weed for cancer and do a tobacco commercial i guess brings the "dick head" out in people,


who said anything bout saving money? difference between saving money and affording somthing, you should really try and not be so narrow minded. and tobacho is bad for you but isnt exactly waht i would call dangerouos. Dunno what sort of life you live if you call a cigarette dangerous. Also who mentioned heroin? Why bring in the extreme? Not meaning to be racist and im not saying all, but you yankees must understand that the majority of you lot come accross as right dick heads. You do tend to bring in extremes cause you cant think up anything else to say.
i thought our educational system was screwed up. but my 6 yr old can spell all of the words you cant, maybe the smoke was in your eyes when you were typing......

either way, promote cigarettes all you want, i will just take your word for it!!

Freddie Roach

Active Member
i never promoted tobacho and i never said weed is the only cause of cancer, im not going to repeat myself just cause you are so illiterate to miss quote me AGAIN.

Now, please for the love of god, dont tell me that you can compare heroin to tobacho. you can not seriously be soo stupid and naive as to think they have the same sort of addiction. let me explaing, tobacho has slight physical addictions if taken in large quantities but it is mostly mental. You get in bad modes, can get headaches, find it hard to concentrate and hard to sleep. It is possible though to quit purley from will power and lots of people do. heroin on the other hand can kill you if you withdraw from it to fast. This is, believe it or not, signs of massive phisical addiction. Going cold turkey is SLIGHTLY, just slightly though, different to quiting smoking. (there was sarcasim in there as i know most americans have difficulty with that.) And please dont bring my age in again. Youve used it once and reapeating it just make you look more like a fucking mug and also its out of order as you dont know me so you can not judge me or my experices or more opinion or anything about me for that matter.

Freddie Roach

Active Member
i never promoted tobacho and i never said weed is the only cause of cancer, im not going to repeat myself just cause you are so illiterate to miss quote me AGAIN.

Now, please for the love of god, dont tell me that you can compare heroin to tobacho. you can not seriously be soo stupid and naive as to think they have the same sort of addiction. let me explaing, tobacho has slight physical addictions if taken in large quantities but it is mostly mental. You get in bad modes, can get headaches, find it hard to concentrate and hard to sleep. It is possible though to quit purley from will power and lots of people do. heroin on the other hand can kill you if you withdraw from it to fast. This is, believe it or not, signs of massive phisical addiction. Going cold turkey is SLIGHTLY, just slightly though, different to quiting smoking. (there was sarcasim in there as i know most americans have difficulty with that.) And please dont bring my age in again. Youve used it once and reapeating it just make you look more like a fucking mug and also its out of order as you dont know me so you can not judge me or my experices or more opinion or anything about me for that matter.

Freddie Roach

Active Member
ok, now you bring your 6 year old in and take the piss out of my spelling, three things, firstly i have severe dyslexia if you know what that is (i am not one of those people who just say they have dyslexia, i get extra time in exams and have to have special lessons for it) secondly i have spell check on my computer and you do on yours so whereas i dont use it cause i cant be bothered cause i hope you can understand the words without out them being spelled perfectly you might also have shit spelling but use your spell check. And thirdly, you lose an argument so pick up on something completly irrelevant, your a parent yet your still this immature, is that not illegal?

Freddie Roach

Active Member
oh i mist a point, when did i promote or recomend smoking? please quote me from one of my posts that says this and i will appoligise because i do not promote or recomend smoking. But if you cant then kindly fuck off as you have nothing intelligent or valid to say.


oh i mist a point, when did i promote or recomend smoking? please quote me from one of my posts that says this and i will appoligise because i do not promote or recomend smoking. But if you cant then kindly fuck off as you have nothing intelligent or valid to say.
" Blunts are the most beautiful things ever, dont not smoke them just cause of you coporation bullshit. They sell somthing great, i will buy it.
Thats about as big a promotion as a product can recieve...... I am sorry but you need to use your spellcheck or atleast check your facts, I have never heard of weed causing cancer but if i am wrong id like some info..... Also, how does weed promote prostitution? this i gotta hear.


Well-Known Member
well... i love smoking weed everywhich way! I only had one friend who could ever roll a spliff into a perfect cone, and the first time he did i wanted to frame it and put it on my wall! Damned European perfectionists...


now what???? i think keeping people off nicotine is important, its really not cool, its nasty, addictive and really I dont know what purpose it serves the consumer accept the ones that are addicted, i cannot see any rational reason why anyone of any age should start smoking anything really but tobacco especially... take your butt outside


well... i love smoking weed everywhich way! I only had one friend who could ever roll a spliff into a perfect cone, and the first time he did i wanted to frame it and put it on my wall! Damned European perfectionists...
im a gun guy, well i have a small collection, but im a gun guy for sure!!1


Well-Known Member
What I don't understand is WHY OH WHY people give a shit about what other people do?

So people want to add tobacco to their grass, SO WHAT? Too many people on here are just snobby pot heads. Why is Marijuana a better plant than tobacco?

If tobacco were illegal and marijuana was treated like cigarettes all you douche bags would be saying the same thing in the opposite direction!