Smoke Weed With Tobacco???


Well-Known Member
Many people do a mix because you get two different buzzes. One from the weed and one from the tobacco. Plus you can use less weed to roll a joint and get high. I personally don't do it because I don't like the taste of tobacco. I also quit smoking cigarettes about 6 years ago and don't want to start craving them again. It definitely creates a different type of high though if you don't smoke cigarettes regularly at least for the first 2o minutes or so. Gives you that buzzy feeling.


Well-Known Member
It's pretty standard practice in the UK to roll a joint with baccy. It burns better and you need less weed, but I suppose if you don't habitually smoke tobacco you might be put off by the taste/smell/sick sensation. I'm not addicted to tobacco but enjoy cigarettes, I'm one of those rare anomalies that can manage that sort of thing. (I'm a weird anti-smoking smoker) So yeah, weed and baccy isn't an unusual thing for me and I don't find myself going 'OMFGWANNAFREAKINCIGARETTE', but I wouldn't recommend it to others who might be different or don't smoke tobacco already.


Well-Known Member
Why anyone would ruin perfectly good cannabis with poison like tobacco is a mystery. If you are so concerned with not having to light your weed then get a vaporizer. Problem solved.


Well-Known Member
I have a sneaking suspicion alot of people are being so vocal about the 'anti-baccy, keep it pure' thing because you'll sound more like a die-hard toker. Spliffs aren't the latest invention for the pussy that can't handle it pure or something. Not just on this form, but on others as well (yes I KNOW I haven't been here long) it's actually the n00bs who are afraid to be seen going along with what is regarded as a 'softer option' or 'unorthodox'. You're entitled to your opinions but I sense some insecurity around here. Just saying.

Please resume.
I saw this post and just could not resist to contribute. Firstly, unfortunately without any statistical proof, I would venture out and say that 80%-90% of the world smokes their damn weed mixed with tobacco. This is done for both taste and stay lit purposes. It also reduces the harshness of the smoke. While it is typical for US to think they are the only country to enjoy the green leaf, and their way is the only way to correctly smoke it (pure), they are deadly mistaken. Coming from someone who has smoked for 20+ years, via every device possible including pure Js and mixed, I can surely attest that the absolute and most pleasant way to smoke pot is by mixing it with tobacco. The overall mix should be anywhere from 20%-30% tobacco, rest being weed. While i do not dispute that tobacco is bad for your health, it does not come anywhere close to the health harm that typical smokers - meaning that if you use the mix ratio I provided above, your average pack of cigarettes (if that is what you use for tobacco indeed) and assuming a 5 Js per day average, you are looking at one pack lasting you roughly 2 weeks. So in all, you are smoking about 24 packs of cigs per year. This does not sound great, but this marginal amount of cigarettes does not produce any significant health side effects. Furthermore, for any American being all 'healthy' all of a sudden and saying 'oh puke' to weed and tobacco mixed, next time you are inhaling your weed, think about how much health effects that shet has on your body. I don't give a fu*ck what any study sez, smoking 1/8 a day of any hot shet ain't good for you. PERIOD! So my point is, we all make decisions in our lives and live with them. Some choose to drink, while some choose to shoot heroin. Others choose to smoke weed mixed with tobacco as this is the ONLY STANDARD way to smoke. And this does not make one stupid or uneducated about their decisions, it just makes it their decision. And you assholes that choose to smoke weed pure, well you are all missing out, that's about all I can say. It's like eating french fries without ketchup (or mayo) if you will.


Active Member
While personally I smoke pure weed, I can understand why people choose to mix with tobacco...nicotine raises heart rate, speeding up the flow of blood, and therefore increasing the rate of delivery of THC to the brain, resulting in a more powerful (but I suspect shorter) high. The nicotine itself also adds to the experience. Frankly I find the taste of tobacco unpleasant, and for me it completely ruins the taste of weed. Properly grown and cured weed should smell and taste excellent, and burn smoothly enough to make mixing it with other stuff unnecessary.Then there's also the fact that cigarettes contain radioactive materials (polonium left over from the pesticides) and that nicotine is very addictive (eventually, smoking pure weed just won't be satisfying).
While personally I smoke pure weed, I can understand why people choose to mix with tobacco...nicotine raises heart rate, speeding up the flow of blood, and therefore increasing the rate of delivery of THC to the brain, resulting in a more powerful (but I suspect shorter) high. T
Smoking pure vs. mixed does nothing of the sort. Smoking pure J produces a more powerful and intense high onset of which is much quicker. Mixed J produces a slower, more slow high which lasts just as long. True that some weed burns fine on its own, but with tobacco it always burns better. Cigarettes contain all kinds of shet, but does does weed. The shet has like 200+ chemicals in it. Both are bad for you. Tobacco is terrible for you, but in a small amount mixed with grass (20/80 ratio), it does not have any material effects, except for making your J taste better. It also does not make the shet anymore addictive, you are smoking it for the high of the grass, not for Nicotine maintenance. I smoked for 5 years (cigarettes), then quit and then got heavily into weed years later, smoking almost always mixed. Never and i do mean NEVER, have had I had the urge to pickup smoking regular cigarettes again.

Finally, the last but not least benefit that mixing has is preservation of weed. Makes the shet last much longer and saves you a ton of dough.


Well-Known Member
Smoking pure vs. mixed does nothing of the sort. Smoking pure J produces a more powerful and intense high onset of which is much quicker. Mixed J produces a slower, more slow high which lasts just as long. True that some weed burns fine on its own, but with tobacco it always burns better. Cigarettes contain all kinds of shet, but does does weed. The shet has like 200+ chemicals in it. Both are bad for you. Tobacco is terrible for you, but in a small amount mixed with grass (20/80 ratio), it does not have any material effects, except for making your J taste better. It also does not make the shet anymore addictive, you are smoking it for the high of the grass, not for Nicotine maintenance. I smoked for 5 years (cigarettes), then quit and then got heavily into weed years later, smoking almost always mixed. Never and i do mean NEVER, have had I had the urge to pickup smoking regular cigarettes again.

Finally, the last but not least benefit that mixing has is preservation of weed. Makes the shet last much longer and saves you a ton of dough.
actually, they had a perfectly valid point

also, the confidence boost from nicotine would help those prone to becoming extremely paranoid or introverted when stoned

but tobacco is still a fucking disgusting plant

it is safe to say the harm outweighs the benefits
Here in Sweden everyone smokes weed mixed with tobacco in joints/spliffs. There are both pros and cons with this:

Pros: Stays lit, if u smoke tobacco you don't have to smoke both a cigarette and a joint, if the weed/hash is strong it's easier as u don't have to roll up a really small one, you can put pure tobacco at the filter tip so that you don't have to smoke all the way down to the filter since it gets kind of hot...

Cons: Bad taste & effect if you don't normally smoke tobacco, bad for your health, worse smell.
actually, they had a perfectly valid point

also, the confidence boost from nicotine would help those prone to becoming extremely paranoid or introverted when stoned

but tobacco is still a fucking disgusting plant

it is safe to say the harm outweighs the benefits
Tobacco, confidence boost? Are you for real? Have you ever smoke cigarettes? You don't feel shet when you smoke them, other than about 1/4 decrease in your energy levels and nicotine craving subdued, if you're a regular smoker. You must be confusing the shet with cocaine. If you become smoking paranoid with weed, you'll get that result no matter if you smoke it pure or with cigarettes. The other positive I always found with tobacco mixed in is that the smoke is simply not nearly as hard on your throat / lungs vs. pure.


Active Member
haha we call them hot shots lol I cant take them outta the bong no more, however every once in a while I enjoy a spliff, my buddy back packed threw Europe and he said thats all they do over there a cup of coffee and a spliff is a great way to start your day... if you do not have much to do....:weed: