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What'sup guys, how's it going? My name is Bryguy, but I go by Smokey McBongwater. I live in the great NorthWest, somewhere between the Portland area and Mt. Hood. I've been smoking hard for the past 5 years, easily an ounce every 2 weeks. You ask anyone in my town (nearly everyone tokes, it's a snowboarding town) and Smokey has the best smoke in the town. Period. People around here are content with their dub sacks and their $40 dollar 1/8ths, and the herb is good, don't get me wrong----but when I buy, I pay top dollar for quality indoor---everytime. I spend a lot of time snowboarding. To be honest I was on the mountain yesterday morning shroup'in it up. I'm currently making a move to go medicinal. I'd like to join the ranks of the safe that smoke medicinally and are not into the whole "grow for profit" thing. You ask anyone around and they'll tell you too---Smokey don't sell no weed. I have more weed than most dealers, but I won't sell. I totally believe in getting people high. Fuck, get everyone high. Everyone should be high. Someone comes in, wanting to buy a sac, I'll be like "nah man, but I'll smoke this with you". I did a crop a of G13 not too long ago that came up pretty well. Me and a homie were growing on a budget---we used florescent lights for the flowering room as well as the veggie room. We used both red and blue spectrums, fox farm soils, and pineapple extracts for flavoring. We also took poppy extracts and added it to the food in an effort to give our buds a trippier effect (if it worked, I didn't feel it lol). Out of 9 plants we got 2.6 pounds. Towards the last month that the girls were flowering, I hung up a 1000 watt HPS with a small hood in the middle of the florescents.
My buddy kind of used a ghetto set up. He burnt a grill in the grow house at night to produce CO2 lol. anyways, check out the pics
My buddy kind of used a ghetto set up. He burnt a grill in the grow house at night to produce CO2 lol. anyways, check out the pics