Smokey's swing at scrog- 4 way sour dosidos by dank genetics

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Well shit. In my drunkenness last night I finalized ordering and paid for 4 315 cmh units and 2 de 630 units straight from the manufacturer in Guangzhou... So I guess we will see what happens but I may just hang 4 315. if ya know anyone who wants one or a 630 de with lamp lemme know. I'll let em go at cost if I don't use em.
Oh and I checked on the room. Whatever I did in there last night worked because it's.not leaking anymore. But now i gotta get a pump for the drip stuff. Or just the right sized pump for the rdwc and take the 250 back for drip. Which ever is cheaper I think
Speaking of pumps. All said and done the system is about 35 40 gallons. I'm currently pushing the back 2 with a 300 gph pump and the front two on a 250 gph pump. I feel like I could still do with more flow. 500 gph would swap about 10 times an hour after losses. I'm wondering if I should just go ahead and do the 800 gph pump. That should swap it about 15 times an hour. Is this overkill? I plan on fiddling with feed lines a bit but as is it's running fine
So it looks like one will be going to the in law. Three have broken ground. The lagging seed of the original 4 has dropped a root and almost pushed through.

The 5th seed in the paper towel has split and will get dropped into a cube this evening. IMG_20180308_063409.jpg

The system still has one lingering leak of a few drops a minute. So I'm just going to drain and silicone the junctions just to be safe.

Speaking of drain. The wife agrees that I should cut s 1.5" pvc drain pipe through the wall and into the back yard. I will use that time to run water into the room as well. So hopefully less dragging the hose around coming up soon.
So here's the 4 original. It has officially broken ground.IMG_20180309_071810.jpg
The fifth seed is in a cube. I'll pick the 4 most vigorous to go into the rdwc on Sunday and from then on out it will be back to the regular Sunday updates.

I think the last little bit of silicone I put on the sweeping elbows finally stopped the drip. So that'll get filled this afternoon for the last test. If it's still leaking I'm going to go get some if that infomercial spray on rubber bullshit andbcoat the whole damnned room lol

Speaking of drips. The coco tester is starting to piss me off. I was running some one gph emitters on a home made drip ring. I don't know if I don't have a pump with high enough head pressure rating or what. But basically it'll run fine for a day or two. Then all the sudden only one is being fed or none. So I dunno what I'ma do. Most likely I'll.jist go get a short interval timer and get rid of the emitters. I think if I drip the small pump 2 or 3 minutes on a few times a day and it'll work out. I'd hate to have to tell the in law she has to hand water 3 times a day but who knows maybe she will want to.

So that's that for now. IllI chime back in on Sunday and then thankfully for my wife and my sleep schedule it'll be back to weekly updates and just the usual daily pH checks. I'll probably also do a couple posts about whatever of the lighting i decide to hang and run. Til then :blsmoke:
So I was checking in on everything this morning. It all looks right. The rdwc is full and nutrienty. I pH'd it some this morning I'll finish that this evening. I didnt want to go overboard I'm still getting used to using well water and now have 40 ish gallons.

Basically it's ready to go. It has been full 3 days with no leaking. The 5 ladies have broken ground the original 4 will go into the system whenever I get time and I feel like it. I'll get some photos of the tiny lil sprouts when they go in their new home. Maybe tonight maybe tomorrow.

From this post forward I'll use a standard update format.

It will read as so

Overall health(oh)- 1-10

Average room temp(f)- x°

Current ppm/ph- 300/6.2

Short review of the week/ progress

Photos of each plant 1 through 4 as I see the from top left to bottom right.

Pics will come as

I'm sure I'll name them something fucked up as I go and get tipsy. I'll be starting my scrog device soon so I've got time to play with it. I intend to do some topping maybe even manifold them we will see. Obviously they'll get lst to fill the center of the screen a little better.

Til then:blsmoke:
Overall health- 9/10

Current temp/rh- 72°f / 58%rh

Current ppm/pH- 300 ppm/ 6.1 pH

They're ready to go in the system. I'll fill it a little higher to help dampen the stones tomorrow and they'll go in. I'll check in next Sunday with more info on their first week.



The coco testers are going to be here a while so I gotta squeeze them into the corner until the Chinese express cmh show up. Then they can all shuffle around. Til then I'll just put in the 1k mh and raised it a tad to cover everything. It'll be fine.

Til then:blsmoke:
Oh- 8/10

Temp/rh- 65°f/ 45% rh

Ppm/pH- 350/5.6

Well they are in their new home. It's pretty cold out this morning so I'll be battling heat and humidity today.
I went ahead and put in the 600 hps for the coco testers and to get a touch of stretch out of the sour dosidos. I need a little height to get the above the lid.
The new lighting gets in next week or so. This will hold them over for a while. I think I'm going to start with 2 630w de CMH fixtures. One left and one right. It'll gimme plenty of spread and honestly plenty of light for the whole run.
I'll see if I want to add in the 600 during flower but dissipating 1800 watts will be a challenge. 1200 will be my sweet spot I think.
Any who. That's where I'm at for the next couple weeks. I think I am getting the beginning of some algae growth. I'll add some h2o2 today and get to covering all those feed lines and lids.
The water is still chilly at about 60°f so it shouldn't take off in a bad way.

The babiesIMG_20180313_084738.jpg IMG_20180313_084810.jpg IMG_20180313_084817.jpg

The lasses all.snuggled up ready to do the damn thing. IMG_20180313_090656.jpgIMG_20180313_090602.jpg

So that's it for now. I'll check back in Sunday unless shit hits the fan. Til then:blsmoke:
Oh- 8/9-10
Temp/rh- 75°f 60% rh
Ppm/ph- 350 5.8ish

Not much happening on this sunday. Room is still chugging along. I'm waiting for the roots to drop. The water level might be a touch high. Im going to let this res run another week. I added like a 100ml of 3% h2o2 the other day and it knocked the algae out. I ordered some 29% so I think I'll just dose the res on res change day or the day after perhaps. So every few weeks i guess.
The water temps are still in a good place maybe 65° I foresee needing to run the a.c. all the time with those 630 de cmh in there. Speaking of which they arrive tomorrow so ill likely do a quick update mid week to show room setup again.

Number 220180318_081830.jpg
Number 420180318_081833.jpg
I didn't take a pic of number 3 but it doesn't even have a second set coming in yet. I dont know if it's sort of runty or just building roots out. It did have the fewest roots at transplant. We will see. I still have a happy viable 5th

Til then:blsmoke:
Oh- 8/10
Temp/ rh- 72°f / 60%
Ppm/ pH- 350/ 5.9-6.0

Well I hung one of the 2 de 630. That things is considerably brighter that the 600mh. I think that's all I'll hang for a while until things get quite a bit farther along. It's doing alright with heat thus far. 2 is going to be doable but close. At least in the summer I'll be running 12/12 through night.
the coco testers look a little iffy with something at the moment. They got fresh water and more nutrients with some h2o2 also. It may be a toxicity since they been getting fed at like 900 ppm. Either way I don't really care they're doing well enough and honestly may get stuck out back in a few weeks to finish up. I'll see what I feel like doing.


So anyways I'll check back in Sunday and see how it's going.
Til then:blsmoke:
So either some roots ht the water last night or the lasses love the cmh. Every one was standing tall this morning looking well rested and ready to go. This makes me happy.
Midnight update surprise!

OH: 8/10

Temp/rh: 75°f/ 50%rh

Ppm/pH: 425 ppm/ 5.6 pH

So I've moved the coco things around again.
Drained, filled halfway and circulated, and then drained and filled again.
Put in 120 grams of megacrop and 100 ml of 29% h2o2.
Lowered and leveled the 630 de a bit.
Spun every lid 180°.

Everything is moving along pretty well. The usual leaf twist from wind and new system shock or whatever causes it. Either way I'm not concerned about it. A little more stretch than I like at this point but I'm still getting a feel for the cmh. And since they've been in the shadow of the coco testers I think moving those will help.

Here are the lasses so far. Roots are coming along growth a tad slow but chugging all the same. I'm starting to really get to feed them soon so that'll help some.
We are at 3rd node now. So I'll top for an attempted manifold in a couple more nodes when they spread a bit. The internodal growth is already visible so they'll make nice strong topped tops if that makes sense. Any ways this will conclude the Sunday check in. I've got a cheap 315 lamp to put over the coco autos on Monday. Then I'll probably go ahead and get 4 of the Phillips 3100k lamps. Any ways till next week with a growth check up.
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So these are the coco waiting for their new lamp and the whole room. Last you'll see of me for the week. Til then:blsmoke:
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So I missed my check in yesterday it's been pretty busy. I'll getting to it this afternoon. I'm pretty sure I've got some root slime coming in.
I've had a problem with the megacrop leaving a brownish film in the res. It's not algae and with the h2o2 I add, Im not sure it's even alive. It is certainly slowing down the dosidos a good bit however.
So I'll get out there and sanitize everything and run a new res today. Hopefully that peps everything up as we are so close to leaving town for a week or two I'd rather not scrap them to start again right now. I'll check in later.
Oh- 7/10
Temp/rh- 78°f/ 50% rh
Ppm/ph- 525/ 5.8

So I've been crazy busy with life and have been dreading my neglect. It got pretty warm a couple days and I forgot to turn on the AC. Hovered around 85-88 a couple days. That brought the water temp up to the 70s and I don't like that.
But it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been and everything got a good rinsing and washing and rinsing again. There is Def some slime going on but it doesn't really have the texture of root rot. Def no smell to it.
I wasn't sure if it's the megacrop or the water or what so I went ahead and filled 40 gallons of my ro/di water which today is in dirty buckets coming out at 6ppm instead of 0.
Then it got a dose of megacrop and 29% h2o2. 140 grams of the former and 120 ml of the latter.
After rinsing the roots and a good dose of that I think it'll all be fine for now. Definitely going to have to keep an eye on it though.

So here's a couple before pics of the roots with the powedered sort of textured slime. IMG_20180403_212940.jpg IMG_20180403_212954.jpg
Here's what they looked like after rinsing

A couple crappy shots of them. Got a little red vein action and some leaf weirdness still. So the new water and pH fix and using ro this time were sorely needed I think. I also lifted the 630de up a bit. Hoped that'd help the curl.
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They are all at 4 or 5 nodes now so me thinks I'll need to top and strip for the mainline sometime very soon. The internodal growth isn't as explosive as I would like but it's there and sturdy all the same.
Night night ladies.
Oh the coco things got hella neglected and the bluedreammatic almost died. The tangie is doing fine though so they'll just sit there and do whatever it is they'll do. Over there in weird auto land. Blech. IMG_20180403_223603.jpgso I may add someore airstones and a bigger water pump soon but for now I'll let them chug along. So this is it for this week. I'll check in Sunday where I'll just be looking for slime progress and dosing with h2o2 if needed.
Til then:blsmoke:
I'll get together some pictures for the update soon. I was having some more slime on the root issues but I think I isolated it to when I add h2o2 in the res after change. You t seems to stabilize after a couple days. I also go out of town in a couple weeks for my wedding and my dad passed away last Thursday so it's been a busy couple weeks. Will return to normal programming in the near future
Allllllrighty then here it goes.
Oh: 6/10
Temp/rh: 78°f/ 55% rh
Ppm/pH: 475/6.0
So the roots took a beating and there's some algae in the feed tubes. I'ma leave all that the way it is for a few weeks. I went ahead and took a bunch of clones and toped the shit out of em. 2 I did the other day 2 yesterday. Basically I'm hoping to buy myself a few more weeks before I have to flip.
It's basically an attempt mainlining from the 4th node instead of the 3rd. And it was all pretty tall already but like I said it bought me at least 2 weeks.
The two I did last week:
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The 2 I did last night. I knew #3 was showing a leggy pheno but didn't know she was that leggy

Well that's them. They're beat up but doing fine. It'll def survive at this point they are well established.
I'll get some netting in it before I leave town for a week. Probably like later April. When I get back I'll put some of the clones out in the backyard green house. And probably go ahead and flip the room.

I need to get shit cleared out for late summer. Then I wanna do an all coco with drippers run. See if I can pull another 3 lb run from the room. I expect these dosidos to throw 2 plus after it's all filled in. Here's a couple pics of the coco auto testers. They didn't get waters a few day bit are doin ok otherwise I guess. It's really set and forget and oops and forget kinda thing.
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Awfully leafy. Maybe it's the auto bit I dunno nor really care it smells nice and will make some decent butter or blast.IMG_20180420_195323.jpg
Anyway here's some pics of the shit show. mark this point cuz 8 weeks from now you'll never know they'd been cut back and mistreated so. And that's that then folks. I'll do better about Sunday updates in about 3 weeks. Until then I'll be crazy busy with weddings and funerals and shit. Til then:blsmoke:
So holy shit again fellas. I'll tell ya what may was an intense month. I spent maybe 3 days home. So anyways I'm not even going to lie it's all been a pretty nice shit show since I basically walked away for 30 days. I dragged a hose in to top the res twice and once threw a hand full of mega crop at it to keep it all level. I'll be damned but they're basically fine.

There is a ton of green algae in the feed lines and the roots are a tepid looking brown at best but they're also pretty much fine.IMG_20180608_214837.jpg

They desperately want some phd water. That'll fix the red stems. Then I'll flip and hold on for dear life. No way we have the head room for them all.IMG_20180608_214829.jpg

So that's where I'm at. It'll still put out some true dank. Temps in the high 80's so I may co2 inject with a timer otherwise this is pretty much it with fixed pH for the flip.IMG_20180608_214822.jpg IMG_20180608_214829.jpg

Til when? :blsmoke:
Last ditch effort to not cut the roof off is in effect. Dual 630 de get hot I'm running at about 92°f peak. So j may fill the co2 tank and fix the fan schedule. Shitll get a little more complicated and I don't need that.

I dunno I guess I'll see what happens in the next week or so since I haven't even started stretch. I may well just be s.o.l.