smokin inside vs. smokin outside


Active Member
if your inside and you put a fan againts a window facing outside it is really nice because it sucks all the air out of the room eventually and its not super breezy so you can blow 0's and shit


Well-Known Member
walking to the bus stop with my blunt was fun tho. I'd dome it before i hit the bus stop tho.
remember this was at 6:30 in the morning too cold as fuck:(.
didnt smoke it in front of others tho.. but wouldn't give a fuck if I did, theyd just ask what was i smokin on.


Well-Known Member
totally outside. i smoke under waterfalls, on the side of cliffs, on islands in the rivers, old ruins. too much fun. insides great to! besides the lazy part. i love the music, i love the computer and v-games. roar. end.


Well-Known Member
walking to the bus stop with my blunt was fun tho. I'd dome it before i hit the bus stop tho.
remember this was at 6:30 in the morning too cold as fuck:(.
didnt smoke it in front of others tho.. but wouldn't give a fuck if I did, theyd just ask what was i smokin on.
had a freind that would smoke a bowl outta a socket everyday walking to the bus stop haha funny shit

Back in my day the "heads" were the outcasts.
thats like back in the day day my teachers used to talk about that shit haha


New Member
totally outside. i smoke under waterfalls, on the side of cliffs, on islands in the rivers, old ruins. too much fun. insides great to! besides the lazy part. i love the music, i love the computer and v-games. roar. end.
Ladies and gentlemen have have just read actual stoner jibberish. I feel ya!:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ive got a balcony in my dorm but ive only used it a couple times because im not really open with my roommates about me smoking...but the first night here me and a couple friends were hitting the bong outside and like 40 people came outside of a room and started yelling at us so we had to go inside


Well-Known Member
Lol...The apartment i live in has a balcony and every ones damn chill about my smokin dnt as long i dont disturb anyone no one relly gives a fukk but naturlly one rent office ladies a bitch tho but hell what can u do besides smoke and say Skrew it


Active Member
I can't even smoke on my balcony without getting paranoid.

(Just as I was writing this winamp switched from Rick Ross - Every day I'm hustlin' to Zegar and Evans - 2525 This song makes me smile every time I hear it.


Well-Known Member
I can't even smoke on my balcony without getting paranoid.

(Just as I was writing this winamp switched from Rick Ross - Every day I'm hustlin' to Zegar and Evans - 2525 This song makes me smile every time I hear it.
do u live in a apartment building? and if so what floor do u live on?


Well-Known Member
man im still trying to get my smoking tricks down, im just not that great with bubbles and all that


Well-Known Member
OUTSIDE FO SHOOOO;-)! I have two bomb ass spots that overlook a freeway on a mountain. It's sick as fuck...but if I don't want to go hike then I'll just call up one of my friends and walk around my neighborhood until we're done smoking.
"I smoke weed every day I don't Give a FUCK!...weeeeedddd"-one guy from Reno911/Grandmas boy/stand-upcomedy


Well-Known Member
thats my only rule with my newb friends:D no tricks going down on my blunt;)
lol why? i would encourage creativity ;)

I presume your stingy with your weed and dont want them to waste the smoke when they mess up :) :bigjoint:.... tisk tisk tisk didnt anyone ever teach you be generous, especially with canaba hahahha:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint: