Smoking a Bowl of Hair


Well-Known Member
Ya haha a bowl of hair-anyone ever done this? Are the hairs really potent? Was it worth picking the hairs of your weed to make a bowl?


Well-Known Member
Well i've never picked the hairs off lmao, but like at the bottom of HP bags i used to get, there would always be a collection of hairs and crystals mixed up. I'd usually smoke that if i had nothing, its an odd taste but it does get you high.


Well-Known Member
In my experience, I'd say it depends on the herb from which the hairs came from. I've had b.o.t.b. hairs from certain strains that got my fucking blazed, and others that didn't do much more than give me a headache.

Note: b.o.t.b. = bottom of the bag


Well-Known Member
i did this once and regretted it after. it tasted bad and was harsh i think. no high either. now a bowl of trichs, thats a different story:)

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
smoked a blunt filled with duck inside (saved up left overs), i called it black majic because its all black. - it gets you fucked up but taste and smells like shit...........


Well-Known Member
Wow I really thought this was gonna be a thread about smoking human hairs of some sort, kinda like a jackass prank.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
It was a friend much drink consumed. He's a bit of a nutjob. Shortly afterwards he smoked a scab through a gravity bucket. I couldn't stand it. smell was rank


Well-Known Member
No, but one time started my hair on fire, Bangs got in way of the lighter ...Dam it!!!... Didn't need a trim for a while! LOL


Well-Known Member
LOL I think the lesson we have all learned from this thread is fire is dangerous, and we all need to resort to vaporizing


Active Member
you know my friend has always asked me about this and now i know and knowing is half the battle (G.I. JOE) lol