Well-Known Member
This is not true. It wont kill your plants. If anything, if you think about it logically, it would help.
I smoke ciggs around mine everyday, none of them have complained yet...
Cigarette smoke contains Benzopyrene, dibenzopyrene, benzene, isoprene, toluene (hydorcarbons); naphthylamines; nickel, polonium, plutonium, arsenic, cadmium (metallic constituents); carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, hydrogen sulphide (gases); methyl alcohol, éthanol, glycerol or glycerine, glycol (alcohols and esters); acetaldehyde, acrolein, acetone (aldehydes and ketones); cyanhydric or prussic acid, carboxyl derivatives (acids); chrysene, pyrrolidine, nicoteine, nicotinine, nicoteline, nornicotine, nitrosamines (alkaloids or bases); cresol (phenols).
Any of them positive for life? You plant may not die, but it certainly isnt going to help it at all, more likely to slow down growth.