Smoking around the babies.[its bad, but how bad?]


Active Member
Well i tried googling this. i know its not a good thing to do, but why? I mean if i smoke near my grow box 4 or 5 times in a matter of 7 days, will i be risking hermies, etc? +rep for a informative and detailed reply!
I do it constantly, and never had a problem. I figure the damn things grow in cities with heavy smog, all day long, so a couple minutes of smoke won't hurt them.LOL I'm not sure about the scientific specifics, so i can't help you there. :)
I've heard people say the smoke makes the leaves close up and not take in (I don't know what)

It might slow their grow a little bit, but I don't think it makes them any more tendant toward hermie. The plants need co2, so breathe on!
I've heard people say the smoke makes the leaves close up and not take in (I don't know what)

It might slow their grow a little bit, but I don't think it makes them any more tendant toward hermie. The plants need co2, so breathe on!

It can cause them to close some of their stomata, and those are what let the plants breathe CO2. It must be minimal and temporary though, or my plants would be dead by now.LOL
It's "Second Hand Smoke" plain and simple! Nobody likes it and it does bad things to good people (and plants!).

You do the math!