Smoking Bud At A Concert

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
I'm facing a similar problem too; I'm going to see The Roots at a really small indoor venue where there are like tables and shit. I think they clear the tables in the middle for standing room but I'm still debating whether lighting up will even be possible with security and the strict "smoke free" policy the venue has. On the other hand though, the show is in MA where bud is decriminalized, and I's THE FUCKIN ROOTS!


Well-Known Member
2 friends and i went to see eminem when he came to detroit in...i think it was 2005. we all rolled 3 7 gram blunts each, they were eagle blunts i think...the ones that come in big plastic tubes. the security guards made us empty our pockets and show them what we had (everyone had to, not just us) and me and 1 friend got thru just fine but my other buddy dropped one of his cigar tubes and the blunt fell out of it, the security guard picked it up and checked it out, then asked him for his other 2 blunt tubes, opened them and checked em out, then pocketed all 3 blunts and let my buddy in...that fuckin security guard had a good night thats for sure. it sucked since we lost almost an ounce but at least nothin bad came of it. we ended up smoking 4 blunts in comerica park during the concert and then the other 2 on the roof of the building we parked in. there were a couple other people smoking around us but not as many as i expected...

edit: just remembered. lil jon was throwing blunts out in the crowd that night...wish i coulda got some...


smokin a b at a concert is a necessity man. you have to stick the tubes down your drawers. your friends may get grossed out, but its the only way! most people smoke at a concert anyways, even if the venue is smoke free. so just stick clear of the security and watch yer back.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
smokin a b at a concert is a necessity man. you have to stick the tubes down your drawers. your friends may get grossed out, but its the only way! most people smoke at a concert anyways, even if the venue is smoke free. so just stick clear of the security and watch yer back.
if you got a girl with some tits you can pack the tube with joints and she should be able to hide it under her tits in her bra. tell her to nix the underwire unless she thinks she can pull it off. i've done this more times than i can count and no one ever got caught on the way in. a blunt is more risky because you can only fit 2 at the most in there and if you get caught smoking that's almost all your herb. with joints you can take one out and put the tube away.

Papa Raazi

If you want absolutely no heat, then tok up before you enter and leave all ur shit in ur car or at home.

The most fun thing to do is hit something powerful before you enter, pack a few joints, and start lighting up whenever you feel less paranoid.

If you're going out somewhere to blaze and have even the slightest chance of getting caught, then its best not to bring anything you won't wanna part with. (bongs, pipes, grinders, extra weed etc. should all stay at home)


Active Member
Hash in a one-hitter works great. One hit to get stoned and can get several tokes through out the event.

heir proctor

New Member
I saw Andre Nikitina (horrible concert) and blazed a blunt and like 3 joints. This was at a smaller venue too. I would say just remember to blow the smoke down not up.


Well-Known Member
roll some secret agents! or pseudo secret agents, using a cigarette roller but with weed instead of tobacco, then pull out the cottony filter and put in a roach, the mars volta one time, the kings of leon another time. works like a charm :)