smoking ciggs around ur girls good or bad


New Member
do you want you ladies to get the CANCER? no! lol, i dont know but it would be weird if it made like a cross strain thing, (half tobacco plant and half weed plant) haha...,....


Well-Known Member
not to worry ...i have never had anythin happen in my room i use to smoke in the gro room cause it would exhaust out so i could smoke in house and my wife ...ex/wife .. couldnt even smell it

only thing i would thing might be bad is that it might clog the stomata .....just a theory tho
smoking produces carbon monoxide which suffocates almost anything so i dont think its a good idea . I try to keep plants in the freshest of air. CARBON MONOXIDE they dont like it!


Well-Known Member
Cig smoke is good for nothing and bad all the way around. Why would it be different around plants? I dont think you will see noticeable differences unless you had them in a smokey room with little to no fresh air.


New Member
^^your correct, i found out my girlfriend is pregnant this morning and set out on a mission to get completely baked before the day began.
but even before i found out i smoked a blunt.
im scared.


Active Member
I'm told it makes the leaves droopy and can cause shock.
It kind of makes sense the plant would freak out when it comes into contact with smoke, probably assuming it's about to burn to death..


Well-Known Member
yea and like i said i use to smoke in my room all the time ...with no probs ....although i have quit the nicotine and doesnt apply to me anymore


Active Member
I smoke tobacco in a room where I currently draw "fresh" air from, and haven't noticed any ill effects to my plants. However, I used to manage a group of townhouses that were all painted white on the interior, and it is remarkable at how much tar is produced and deposited on the walls from one smoker over a short time, as opposed to a nonsmokers' place. When one heavy smoker had moved out of his place, i went in to paint. It seemed so dark and dingy even with my worklights, but the fresh paint really brighten it up. What i'm trying to say is, even if your plant's leaves grow faster than they can be clogged with tar, all your reflective materials, glass light-guards, bulbs, and filters will be effected by the resins.


Well-Known Member
its not good to be smoken nicotine around ur plant cuz it can kill them nicotine is more powerful then heroin. each gram by gram is realy strong and can kill anythang the government knws dis and still has cig.s leagal them weed,and weed doesnt cause cancer like cigs. do but anyway its not good for da plants.