Smoking fan leaves...

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Yeah i smoed my fan leaves once and gave me a headache.Never do that again and it taste like shit.
conclusion. its for noobs who can't yield enough to last till their next grow. sorry but you do your thing while i smoke the funk and still have a feww ounces left over by next crop. if you get high off fan leaves why grow? just by a pound of mex brick weed for 100 bucks. i can tell you would get blew out. noobs!!! offer still stands. i'll sell you my fan leaves for 50 ounce? any takers? virgin lungs i suspect here. come to canada. you wont be able to handle a male plants roots!!! youd get to high!! lololol

why would i want foreign crap? im sorry to say but i prefer made in the usa. except when it comes to public education...
your made in usa pot will go the same road as your car companies. out of business. just saying that there is alot of top notch stuff in canada. the fact that you can buy seeded weed in the states is proof. try and find a seed in canada. And whydoes it sell in the states for hundreds an ounce. theres no canadians on here talking about smoking mids.
I've done it. Didn't get a headache, it tastes awful, and the buzz is nothing to write home about. Better than nothing, I suppose.
man, cali is where the bomb shit is at, no disrespect to canada. we have the beautiful weather. . to grow the beautiful ganja..

anyways. . as far as smoking fan leaves, ive ground up and vaporized some of my resin coated fan leaves. . before making bubble hash. . its ok. . fuck smoking regular fan leaves though. . did that in 7th grade. . sore throught and a fat head ache. .
the best weed is grown indoors. hydroponically. i make my own weather. always sunny with no chance of clouds. no bugs, quality medium, perfect control. I'll admit that cali might have some weed. never been there but the laws prevent the usa from being large producers. The largest grows i've ever seen on here would not make the local papers anywhere in canada. Think 100000 watt "weed factories" no need for fan leaves. any grower that knows what they are doing shouldnt have to smoke fan leaves.
yeah, thats true except in my opinion the best weed is grown organically in soil, not hydro.. and as far as which is better, i wouldnt know either. . never smoked canadian weed. .but the pics on this site definatly do not represent a majority of california's bud. . i dont think you'd be complaining with the selection if you walked into a medical marijuana dispensary.
I'm just playing. I'm sure cali has some weed. We just dont have the crazy laws you guys have so more people do it. Here if you get caught i dont think anything would happen. Not sure. i'm not going to find out. but if i did get caught i def would not go to jail at all or lose my job. Prob 90 dollar fine for 99 plants or under. Everyone grows here. 1 day i'm going to go to california. The only other thing about cali is ive heard its crazy expensive. well anywhere in the states for that matter. Just wish your laws were like ours. I got in major trouble at cedar pointe last year.
your made in usa pot will go the same road as your car companies. out of business. just saying that there is alot of top notch stuff in canada. the fact that you can buy seeded weed in the states is proof. try and find a seed in canada. And whydoes it sell in the states for hundreds an ounce. theres no canadians on here talking about smoking mids.

first of all, i was given the bag shit. i dont pay for seeded weed. i only pay for sensi. and secondly, your so called super weed is shit. its only quebec gold. its nothing special. that mass grown crap is utterly horrible.

isnt that why we are growing our own? of course, some still live with their mommies and daddies so they have the money to be obsessed with it and even think everyone is wrong to have their own opinion and must agree with you because for some reason, you think you're God or something.

the fact you're scared of getting caught is proof you are only average. a smarter person would know how to get away with it. and an even smarter person wouldnt even have to worry about getting caught because they have everything in their control.

of course something like that takes intelligence which is not something canadians are known for.
Intelligence is something were not know for? maybe you should check those facts. i dont even think you could get another american to believe that!! I ould never bring education into this but since you did check the stats. Canada ranks much higher in education, life expectancy, standard of living. the list goes on and on. Plus Our economy is not as bad. Do you really think that i would say canadas weed sucks if i lived in the states? Its a fact bro that our laws promote expansion of this culture. As for getting caught? Like i said i live in canada!!! Maybe smoke 1 with the cop as i appologize nicely for breaking the law. lol Where do you think every seed you grow comes from? either amsterdam or canada!! Why do think half the mj site on the web have the word Canada in them? Beat me on this 1!!!!!!!!!

YOUR NAME SAYS YOU ARE A MID TOKER!!!!! WOULDNT TOUCH MIDS WITH A 10 FOOT BONG!!!!! what are mids? we only have sensi top grade here!!! let me know though. i love medium quality weed lolololololololol Thats how many laughs you get with real weed!! Get a life and check the stats.
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