redi jedi
Well-Known Member
Sorry just took me a bit to wrap my head round that.Yes. That was the part that made me not want it. I know call me a crazy noob.![]()
Sorry just took me a bit to wrap my head round that.Yes. That was the part that made me not want it. I know call me a crazy noob.![]()
No...just very it's spreading like a spilled bucket of Tartar sauce down the stairs.
One of the reason we're so isolated up here. Sad really....not really.
Up here in Canada sometimes it's miles upon miles to the nearest phone. We just got internet last week.Wish I was isolated. Got a wife I'm ok.
Up here in Canada sometimes it's miles upon miles to the nearest phone. We just got internet last week.
his happened near GB's place......suspect.....View attachment 3552890
That is not even close to the bottom line. Cannabis has been demonstrated to protect the brain in many other studies not deliberately designed to give a terrible result by paid for propagandists.
All yhat being said. Inthink cannabis is amazing in its ablitlity to give people the will to live their lives to the fullest with and not sacrificing creativity.Well it is kinda the bottom.line. if u think cannabis just absorbs into ur brain and creating some super protective magic powrt ur not just wrong ur dumb. But regardless. Marjauna hurts the brain, it may help in some areas and may help some more than others. But for god sakes running kills brain cells. And so does cannabis. And if u woupd read wat i said mayb u cpupd take it fpr the general statement that it was. So here it is again. Cannabis DOES damage parts of the.brain. im sorry its not straight brain healer. Also u can regain brain cells, there is still this idea that the brain is like the enamel on teeth, once gone its gone. Which isnt true with enamel either. U can regain brain cells through many activities and smoking may rebuild other parts but not without damaging somethin else lets be real here thats y i said bottom line cuz almpst everything u do effects and hurts ur brain in many ways lile caffeine but pf courae has situational advantages. Now im not gunna agrue the semantics of cannabis effect on the brain. All i said was it does hurt the brain and it can be repair and sometimes the cannabis may be the rebuilder. Thats it. If u dont agree with.that its fine but dont say"oh ur wrong, it protects ur brain no question" and not know wat regions r most effected and hpw thpse regions effect a person. I dont wanna ass but im about to start my doctoral graduatr program in neuroscience, so i kno alittle about yhis and i have access to alot of expensive scholary journals. Cannabis has good and bads like everything else. Y is that crazy that is not all good allthe time.
Not a doctor,going to a doctoral program. And i reply to.many of these on my phone so as u can see the o is next to the p. So its not like i cant spell could. But i guess typing and colloquial language is a legitimate comeback wen someome even slightly criticizes cannabis on a growers thread.Well your grammar and spelling is right up to snuff with being a doctor.
All yhat being said. Inthink cannabis is amazing in its ablitlity to give people the will to live their lives to the fullest with and not sacrificing creativity.
I do use, i do grow and i love my plants.they r basically my life. But im noy going to act like mj doesnt hurt brain cells. It can. First, holding in the smoke kill brain cells. But dont take that statement as me not think mj is helpful. It is. But.even.beneficial things hurt rhe brain sometimes. Ppl build tear fibers. Brain restructuring happens contantly. The main.point im makimg is the comtrary ppl r taking it. Mj hurts the brain, it doesn't mean its bad overall. If u see studies that say marijuana can hurt u. Its true. So can beer and it can also help the braim if used moderaly and in proportion. Mj is similar. Dont think that because i accept the negatives of a substance, i dont appreciate the positive. But the hippies here i hope could at least accept that all things will come will positives amd negatives its based on what and how you measure. Can i show degradation of brain components in the brains of "heavy" cannabis users? Probably, but that may even b limited to one chemical in cannabis. Or multiple, Idk but there is evidence for both sides. That mj heals and mj hurts. If u have a chronic mental illness mj may not help u. Such a schizophrenia or bipolar disorder but may help anxiety. And some mj with different concentrations of different chemicals can make small differences. Hell, one of my patients has to give me his stuff to grind up cuz if he does it, he gets an eczema like rash on his hands, but he's smoke for years. Hes in his 30s. So its sometimes easy to show results that are not always indicative to a general population but may just exsist in some population sampls and.mayb some species of mj. Which is nearly impossible to pinpoint due to breeding and hybridization, no plant is pure Oaxacan anymore .lol.JDG
It makes me sad that everybody every nation can't use mj as a medicine. Now that I fifured out how to get past the passing out. I'm feeling the benifits. This controls my migraines and all the other things. I don't know what I would do without it. First the learning to grow part. Never really grew anything. Then learning how to read the plant. It is therapy and it gives me something to move around for.
Just don't type.Again sry for all the typos.
Sure. Bodhi gets some landraces too. Ur right. U can get them. They arent totally unavailable.eskobar (seed breeder) sells the big 4 mexican strains in their pure form
his oxacan is feminized. his jalisco is regular and the others will be released in the near future when his program gets to where he wants it to be
Just don't type.