Smoking male plants

Pretty sure males dont even produce THC as they have no seeds to protect. Dont do it.
Not very much, it's not even enough to make oil, I do remember smoking the leaves like 10 years ago and it did give me a slight high for like 10 mins, coulda been placebo or other cannabinoids. Here's an article on why MJ produces THC, the glands protect the seeds from UV rays by deflecting the sunlight.
can you smoke male plants since they don't have the normal 'buds' that girl plants do?

Couldn't help this it is all in good fun okay?

If your were to smoke my male plant... it might not get you high, but you will feel warm and sticky all over... bongsmilie
You can compost it and enrich your soil if it's a immature male that haven't popped balls.

Btw I would not fuck with datura/brugsmansia I grew those out before, the trip is nothing like weed.

Datura grows everywhere here.
I was sent to a madhouse due to taking a handful of pips years ago.
Whole place was full of it.