*Smoking Nugs With Plant Improves/Descreases Plant Growth?*


Too many brownies
actually we breath a mixture of both in combination with other gases and particulates in a mixture called air....LOL....:mrgreen:
Ok I meant we dont uptake co2...what we take in is the oxygen and we release co2....
But yes we breath in Air which has all kinds of shit in it, including all kinds of pollution.

you get what im trying say. :twisted:


New Member
ha worldofweedcraft nice avatar and handle lol... As well as answer. Smoke is not good for any living organism.. period.


Active Member
smoke is bad for your plants,because underneath the major leaves are microscopic filters that suckin carbon dioxide which is what humans breath out, so no more bed time blunt but maybe a bed time story


Active Member
hahaha damn i glad i read this shit bc i figured they convert what we breath out and make oxygen seemed like a good idea


Active Member
It is a known fact, however, that if you smoked NEAR your plant and play Bob Marley close enough for your plant to hear; it could increase yield!


Well-Known Member
You could almost liken this proposal to burning dead, dried, human flesh in your fireplace... but with the chimney closed.
I'm sorry, doesn't everyone burn corpses in the fireplace with the dampener closed? That's why I am so healthy, hahaha, hahaha, oh....But I never smoke with my plants, their lungs are way too young. I wait till I chop em down, then I smoke with em.


Active Member
haha, I dont understand why people even think this is a good idea?

How about this ... smoke outside of the growroom, get really high. Then go inside and have a 2 hour conversation with the plants. Thats a safer way to give them Co2.

I think thats a pretty fair alternative.

Lmao +rep for sure