Smoking out of a pineapple?


Me and my friends always try to come up with new ways to smoke bud, it usually doesn't get us higher but its fun making new things and seeing them work. So a while ago I got some pineapple train wreck and it's the best tasting bud I've ever had. My question is does anyone have any ideas how I could smoke some out of a pineapple? I was thinking about carving it out, putting a hole near the bottom, putting the stem from my bong in there, then adding some water and inhaling from the top. Does anyone have any better ideas or know if it would work? I don't want to waste any bud or a pineapple if it won't work.
I used to jam out in the 90s with my friends back in Pennsylvania. ..I picked up a guitar a week ago. ..attempted to play korn blind...yeah ok...rusty as fuck

That's an easy song too. day I'll get back into it
I haven't played in a while, mostly me and my friends just fuck around with rapping, one of my friends is really good, like he raps some really profound stuff about his father getting deported and living in the Bronxs and stuff. I haven't played my electric or bass guitar in a while but I have a beautiful hand made accustic guitar from equador that sounds the shit
What about a gravity bong? I'll try it when my pineapple express is ready, if I don't kill them first.
I've always had a hard time making decent gravity bongs. I wonder if it would be possible to turn a pineapple into a gravity bong, probrably not because you'd have to carve a big hole in part of the pineapple to carve it out. Let me know how it goes though
I've always had a hard time making decent gravity bongs. I wonder if it would be possible to turn a pineapple into a gravity bong, probrably not because you'd have to carve a big hole in part of the pineapple to carve it out. Let me know how it goes though

Chop the bottom off flat and hollow it out from the bottom because with the gravity bong you can't have a bottom. Then drill a hole in the top for a mouth piece/bowl hole.