Smoking tobacco to get more high


Well-Known Member
So some people at school 100 percent believe that smoking a cigarette after smoking weed gets your higher, and for longer. Anyone know if this is true? I took a few drags today after a spliff, dident notice anything different but maybe because im not a smoker, i dunno.


Well-Known Member
For me i notice a difference in the high EVERY time i smoke tobacco immediately after bud. The high has been more intense every time. But about the longer high? ... i don't think so.


Well-Known Member
I find my highs are shorter but harder when I smoke tobacco.

The times I abstain my buzz goes an hour or so longer, which is more desirable to me since I prefer to not smoke so much to hold pain at bay.


Well-Known Member
afterwards maybe you and your school buddys can do something helpful like come over and hack up all that tar on to my roof


Active Member
I've noticed my high is different depending on how much tobacco I roll a joint with, alot of tobacco makes me feal more stoned, but less makes for a nicer, clearer high, in my opinion.

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Tobacco is the best way if you wanna relax...

For me, if I have 1g by itself I can still move and actually do stuff kind of...if I have a fag or 2 afterwards I can barely move


Active Member
I find my highs are shorter but harder when I smoke tobacco.
I'm the same way except I don't smoke, I use snuff/snus which has way more nicotine which is why I usually put in a pouch/dip after tokin.

I love that THC/nicotine punch to the head.


Well-Known Member
I feel like I'm missing a part of the high without smoking a square.. Maybe its just the craving though.. SMOKING CIGARETTES IS JUST COOL. :P