Smoking too much weed makes me 'resin sick'

Dang. I could never toke to much. haha I love it. Helps me not to have to take dumps so much. Seriously though. If I dont smoke, where I have crones all my stomach does is bubble. I could eat a entire box of emodium and every time after I eat I would have to run straight to the head. However if I toke up b4 I eat I dont seem to have that problem :)

I'm kind of like that, I've got IBS and when I don't smoke in the morning I have to keep taking small shits. If I smoke, I just have to go once and I'm done.

I think I get that "resin sickness" that OP is talking about too, but mostly just the hot flashes.

I've been vaping (and smoking a little) the White Rhino from Nirvana; for my stomach. I just have a very sensitive digestive system so I get minor nausea most mornings. It got me through a bad Stomach Flu a couple weeks ago. Give it a hit if you see some.

I'm going to have to try that.
I hear that. I have crones.
I'm kind of like that, I've got IBS and when I don't smoke in the morning I have to keep taking small shits. If I smoke, I just have to go once and I'm done.

I think I get that "resin sickness" that OP is talking about too, but mostly just the hot flashes.

I'm going to have to try that.
Weak minds....

You sell yourself on getting sick before you even light up?

Why would you do that?

Look up old degraded MJ.... it will make you sick.... brown/amber Trichomes are burnt Tric's... that will make you sick...

Smoking nothing but resin.... stupid... and I've been desperate like you....

Thinking you will get sick from smoking only resin.... weak.... very weak...

Think better thoughts.... let your mind give you a better high....
I'm not real sure what this would be, but if vaping works w.o this side effect why smoke at all? It saves you weed, saves you money, gets you very 'medicated' with less flowers, doesn't cause your "resin sickness" and doesn't put nasty ass smoke in your lungs...I'm not one of those guys that would find God then force it on everyone else, but Vaporizing is legit one of the best decisions I've made in my life...the way I feel throughout the day has drastically changed from removing all smoking (cigs, weed, etc) from my routine and strictly vaping trees...
I gotta buy a vaporizer now you recommend something that isn't a pos?
Honestly I love the Pinnacle from vaporblunt... it's a portable unit, n the battery is a little disappointing, but it really helped me quit smoking. A lot of them are overpriced bcuz of hype n not so much bcuz of quality. Def worth the effort to take some time n check out reviews before making a purchase
i just want one that I know works right, I bought a shit one not knowin how to use it and I couldn't tell if I was doin it wrong or it was the pos so I gave it away and rolled up another blunt...gonna give it another go im on a health trip I don't smoke cigs but like 3 blunts a day and im weightlifting. seems to be catchin up with me 10 years of blunt smoke
This made so much sense. I ran out of bud a few days ago said screw it I'll smoke resin. Well that idea sucked let me tell you woke up for 3 days straight so sick that if I breath a breth for more than half a second I dry heave for hours only when I wake up. I thought something is wrong with me but it only happens when I smoke resin so this is great to know
I didn't mean to post this in the 'News' forums.

I have been smoking weed about 16 or 17 years... mostly schwagg except the past couple years. When I ran out, it was common practice to scrape the resin out of my pipes and shit and smoke it. I quit smoking weed for a couple years and then started again about 2 years ago... only thing different is I started mostly smoking kine and of course got older. Well, I had to stop scraping my bowls and smoking the resin cuz it started to make me feel fucking awful for a couple days.

I stopped smoking resin and didn't have any problems as long as I didn't smoke resin. However, now it is to the point where if I smoke too much weed in general, I get that resin sickness feeling. I believe this is from hitting a bowl, and as it gets cached and resin starts to coat the last of the bud, I start smoking the last couple ash/resin hits in the bowl.

A few months ago I got a da buddha vaporizer and get no resin sickness at all vaporizing, even if I smoke the screen or honey oil in the whip. I still take bong rips and hit pipes, but the past 2 weeks I have been doing nothing but bong rips and it seems like the carcinogens or whatever have built up in my body and now all week I have been feeling like ass and back to vaping. Has anyone else experienced this 'resin sickness'?
This made so much sense. I ran out of bud a few days ago said screw it I'll smoke resin. Well that idea sucked let me tell you woke up for 3 days straight so sick that if I breath a breth for more than half a second I dry heave for hours only when I wake up. I thought something is wrong with me but it only happens when I smoke resin so this is great to know
Thanks for all of your comments, they are very helpful. I quit smoking weed about 30 years ago. New Year's Eve this year I smoked with my friends (they are 82 & 76 years old) for the 1st time since then. About 6 months ago I started having trouble with my stomach. Waking up in the morning with a horrible taste in my mouth and I would have dry heaves. I was taking Motrin & iron daily. Quit all that. I have been to the doctor where they did a colonoscopy and endoscopy & blood. So they've been up-and-down and there's nothing wrong. I mostly smoke Sativa joints. I think the taste in my mouth EVERY morning is resin. My joints always seem to have a lot of resin, I hate that on my mouth, fingers, etc. I even bought a smoking tip to try to avoid that. I read someone's comment that they started using the vape. That sounds like a worthwhile try. Thanks for reading this & for the interesting posts that you all have made.