Thank god for Weeja!
LOL this is a funny thread to read. I have been habitually smoking weed for over 10 years. I have had days where I have smoked 14 grams and have had days that I have smoked half a gram. I feel that it is head medicine more then anything, but I also love the act of smoking weed its self. A funny side note, last month I had a random drug test by my employer. When the results had returned he brought me into the office and said he had heard through the grape vine that I had been smoking weed. He then stated that he was cool with smoking just not while at work and that my test had come back positive but he would let it slide if i signed a contract saying if I had another test anytime in the year I would keep my position. He then showed me my test results and said that in 20 years as the owner of the company he had never seen a test come back so high. He explained to me that the test range was 0-1000, and that anything over 200 would indicate that you were an occasional user. My test result was 734 and he said again that the highest results he had seen were in the mid 400's. So maybe there is someone out there smarter then me that can explain the test result scale, but in my humble opinion 734 out of 1000 seems pretty crazy and I felt proud to be the highest score he'd seen in twenty years. Again I smoke every day but in Washington State I still can sit down to ONE bowl of some local home grown and get blasted off my ass. Thank god for Weeja!
@LaKapitone, (YAWN) I got bored with you. I've moved on.
lol, just playing............. hehehe
..............Grow some spermlets & stop saying your 'just kidding, lol, hehehe, etc etc.' What kind of man says 'hehehe' anyway? That's the gayest laugh I ever hea.....
..............Grow some spermlets & stop saying your 'just kidding, lol, hehehe, etc etc.' What kind of man says 'hehehe' anyway? That's the gayest laugh I ever hea........... read. You got pounced for trying to give some shitty input... aka, suggestion as you'd call it, failed, no biggie. Want to Smoke a BLUNT (with me) for the mishap...... on your part? Lmao.
LOL that >>> hehehe shit is pretty damn gay
Hehehe........ you still don't get it........hehehe........know-it-all elitist attitude........hahaha.........putty........hehehe don't get it at all.Thank you, I'm glad it wasn't just my stoned ass. I mean, really... imagine playing poker with the boys one night & you tell a joke to Freddy over there & he shoots back with that laugh... "Hehehehehe!" as he grabs his lower stomach, I would seriously get mad at Freddy. I would.
Thank you, I'm glad it wasn't just my stoned ass. I mean, really... imagine playing poker with the boys one night & you tell a joke to Freddy over there & he shoots back with that laugh... "Hehehehehe!" as he grabs his lower stomach, I would seriously get mad at Freddy. I would.
There's nothing to get... are you brain dead? You really fall into the low statistical bracket that actually lives they're life by the stoner-stereotype... just an idiot. The only thing to 'get' is that 'hehehe' is the gayest laugh we ever heard, yes WE, not ME. I fully 'get' that 'hehehehe' is not a laugh in the male dictionary. What am I not getting? I'm straight, so I see things in a non-gay way, sorry you can't say the same, but doesn't mean we don't get it. Lmao... it's so ironic how you think your the one pulling the strings here & have no idea what's going on, aha.
...As an idiot once told me, sucks to be you. =)
Calm down kids! Sheesh, why do all threads get jacked by people arguing over stupid shit? As far as my tolerance goes, it is quite low as I want to keep it that way to really enjoy weed. When I was growing up weed was an event! We'd get several ounces, invite a lot of people over, and it would be just one big ol' smokeout! There were always a few people who would have to smoke a shitload just to get high and that always seemed to me like it sucked. They always talked about the good ol' days when they could smoke half a joint and be happy for the night. I never wanted to get like that so, I always kept my use down to a minimum. Hell, for three years I never smoked once! My current grow I was going to sell but now, I am going to just give away a lot of weed! I know this sounds stupid but, I really don't need the money and I want that feeling of community again!
what..where u at? ill take a donation..and give u a decent tip LOL..u in Nor Cal by any chance?
You’re dumb, the only thing that happens when you dry your weed is the chlorophyll breaks down along with the other unwanted chemicals, the thc stays the sameWet weed isn't going to get you high man