Smoking Weed. A Question.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
okay 1 smoking ANYTHING is not good for the lungs but not cancerous unless its radioactive...
This is probably the best thing to take out of this discussion.
While it might not cause cancer, having heated plant material (or heated material of any kind) go into your lungs is never a good thing. As others pointed out, this can easily be avoided with a vaporizer. I'm sure bongs/bubblers help with this a little as well.


Well-Known Member
i always use a bubbler thats what i meant though i dont consider the vaporizer a smoking utensil its a vaporizing utensil lol but yah bubblers / bongs specially hte perculated double chamber or triple or w/e will filter some of the crude combustion products lol but im jsut saying the whole "weed is cancerous" saying just gives me.. such a aggrivating feeling lol....


Well-Known Member
i'm not saying weed is cancerous,
i'm saying the act of smoking itself is.
Let us use some commen sense here an open flame 250 Celsius (ie; a lighter) hits plant material, + papes= combustion= tar, = tar residue all over your lungs = tar build up


Active Member
If you are worried about weed smoke use a vaporizer... Usually people who smoke tobacco do 20 or more a day. Dude if you smoke that many joints I do not think you would be worried about much.. Peace


Well-Known Member
Never had a m.j. realted illness yet & im proud to say i smoke every day minus locked up days and week and time(its a bitch)


Well-Known Member
I always use bongs. When I get the money I will get a vap. though. There just so expensive.

Get one of these and don't let it touch your herbs, just hover it over your herb, the heat that you pull through your glass piece will vaporize the herb. Plus if times are tuff, it will help your herb last a little bit longer cuz you could just hover the tip over the herb at first, then touch it to finish. There will be an editorial on the Herb-Iron in the new High Times Medical magazine coming out in Jan "west coast and colorado only" and also in the regular High Times. $70-80 depending on where you get it. Lifetime Warranty, you just cant lose. Plus, it is a fact that you dont get all the goodness out of your herb if you just vaporize it. Even though vapes help reduce the chance of Bronchitis, you dont get as high with them. There is an article last year in High Times called "The Great Vape Debate". They outline why vaporizers, while very effective, do not utilize all of the herbs mind bending capabilities. I am really stone on this Mr. Black I just posted so sorry for any errors.