Smoking weed while loosing weight? need some help


Well-Known Member
The tittle pretty much speaks for itself. I have noticed myself getting a little chunky :-( and am going on a super strict diet next week and question is will smoking weed affect the process of fat burn/losing weight when I am on that diet? I dont really get the munches so I can rule that out, but when I smoke I always get super tired and my concerns are that dose smoking cause your metabolism to slow down? Even if you do not know the answer I am open to any thoughts that anyone has.


Active Member
Smoking just gives you that lathargic effect you don't want when you get to the gym. The key to it is holding off on smoking till after your done with your workout. I work with a group of bodybuilders as I am actually begining to train myself for bodybuilding and when i used to lift just to workout and cut maybe 10-15 i always held off on smoking till after I was done working out. My sessions in the gym would last 3 hours a good hour used for cardio and the rest lifting. If you get your workouts in during the morning then you can smoke afterwerds but if you have to life later in the evening than hold off on smoking till after your done with it. And look into some supplements to give you a boost going to the gym personally I use BSN products they are true quality products. NO Explode before the gym gives you a great drive to workout, Volumizer is a good drink during workout helps prevent that lazy set and gives you a great lift in and out with good solid pumps all the way into that last rep and the key to that cycle is the post workout use of Cellmass it will get you less sore and provide great nutrients into your system to make sure that you don't have that dead feeling the next day. But remember whey protein is a key in your dieting as well as working out daily...Dieting alone will not help at times...if you can't make it to a gym just make sure you go on solid runs that give a good cardio workout and that'll be tough just because of breathing and the smoking we do but the more cardio you do the easier and easier it's def worth it though...


i think it is fine.... from what i understand, pot raises your metabolism (hence the munchies)... so as long as you are keeping to the diet and working out, i would think that it would actually help you lose weight.

Musical Suicide

New Member
It will make you pretty lazy, but I was smoking alot of weed and noticed myself up to 230lbs! So I started eating alot healtheir, and smoking more weed... and went down to 170 In 2 months.... so its possible... just keep the positive attitude and anythings possible!

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
For me it depends on what strains I smoke. Indicas make me tired but a good Sativa like SuperSilverHaze keeps me pretty up and amped for hours. On the other hand a Indica like G-Force makes me take a nap even when I wasnt planning on taking one!


Active Member
Pot raises your metabolic rate which is good but hinders your cardiovascular system from the smoke. I love smokin pot before I workout and then putting some heavy tunes on. However if you lift a lot of weights you'll notice a decrease in strength while you're on the pot. This has to do with your muscles not recieving the correct amount of oxygen to power the tissue. The same goes for doing cardio. The tightened vessels from smoking will prohibit your body from transporting o2. I would say find what you like to do. I've worked at a gym for 3 years as a personal trainer and the one thing that really matters is that you go and give it 100%. So if you want to smoke pot or do acid or blow pain killers...wat ever just get to the gym lift 3-5 days a week with 6-7 days of cardio get plenty of protein, carbs, and fats because all are necessary (stay away from saturated fats). The biggest thing to remember is the more muscle you have the higher your resting metabolic rate is which will in turn have your body using more calories at rest. Dont eat before bed, leave a 4 hour gap between bed and your last meal...6 weeks you'll be lookin good. just focus and don't be a bitch. lol. Good Luck!
hey bro, keep the munchie foods out of your house, and resist those munchy urges and youll be fine. I would suggest getting fruits and stuff that you like, so when you do get the munchies you could eat a bunch of grapes or something and that is way better than a bag of cool ranch doritos ;) Buy healthy foods and easy peasy town.. and of course limit what you eat.