Smoking weed with acute bronchitis


New Member
So I went to the doctor about 5 days ago and it turns out I got acute bronchitis, I haven’t been smoking and finished my medication that was given to me, I’ve been looking all over the internet to see if I could smoke with acute bronchitis but I don’t find any good answers. I know I couldn’t smoke blunts but are joints ok??? Thank you
maybe small bowls thru a bong with ice but I wouldn't do anything because I had bronchitis and I tried smoking got even sicker was hospilized for a few days/ coming to a weed forum is not a good idea in general talk to your gp
your gp practiced their practice for how long they know what their talking about just don't ask for health advice on a weed forum
Or look into sublingual drops ( tincture ) ... easy way to medicate discretely. Many ways online. I use an infused glycerin ... or honey for tea.
So I went to the doctor about 5 days ago and it turns out I got acute bronchitis, I haven’t been smoking and finished my medication that was given to me, I’ve been looking all over the internet to see if I could smoke with acute bronchitis but I don’t find any good answers. I know I couldn’t smoke blunts but are joints ok??? Thank you
A good thing to do in your poor lung situation is breathe as pure of air as possible and drink lots of water. But if you keep irritating your lungs with pollutants you'll eventually be breathing pure air alright, right out of a GREEN OXYGEN BOTTLE.
So I went to the doctor about 5 days ago and it turns out I got acute bronchitis, I haven’t been smoking and finished my medication that was given to me, I’ve been looking all over the internet to see if I could smoke with acute bronchitis but I don’t find any good answers. I know I couldn’t smoke blunts but are joints ok??? Thank you
It’s suppository time:
Let me get this straight. You received a diagnosis from a medical doctor and instead of asking the physician this question, you prefer advice from
folks on this forum. What am I missing?

Maybe herb is illegal where he lives, or just isnt comfortable with asking his Dr? In my experience it is pretty rare still for an MD to not be biased and give an educated answer, bc they have been brainwashed for so long. Either way I think we all can agree that the obvious answer is, don't smoke anything if you have bronchitis!
Maybe herb is illegal where he lives, or just isnt comfortable with asking his Dr? In my experience it is pretty rare still for an MD to not be biased and give an educated answer, bc they have been brainwashed for so long. Either way I think we all can agree that the obvious answer is, don't smoke anything if you have bronchitis!

you should be comfortable telling your doctor anything. There’s patient confidentiality laws to protect you - your doctor isn’t about to go shouting about that you smoke cannabis. This medical question should have been asked.

it’s not a good idea to smoke at all when you’ve got any lung / chest problems with breathing. Let them recover. If you really can’t go without, use the bud you’d normally smoke and make edibles like weed brownies.
So I went to the doctor about 5 days ago and it turns out I got acute bronchitis, I haven’t been smoking and finished my medication that was given to me, I’ve been looking all over the internet to see if I could smoke with acute bronchitis but I don’t find any good answers. I know I couldn’t smoke blunts but are joints ok??? Thank you
A good friend of mine’s in his 70s. He’s a pretty avid smoker and also has had bronchitis for the last 6 months now. His doctor turned him onto N Acetyl Cysteine. Told him it should help knock it out. He also mentioned if you’re on blood thinners to not take it, and I’m sure there’s other reasons not to but I would do some research and mention that stuff to your doc if you think about it. He started taking it about 3 weeks ago and has already found a ton of relief. He still smokes just as much as he always has, just takes it a little easier on the joints and mainly smokes the bubbler and his oil pen. Cheers, hope you get better soon!
A good friend of mine’s in his 70s. He’s a pretty avid smoker and also has had bronchitis for the last 6 months now. His doctor turned him onto N Acetyl Cysteine. Told him it should help knock it out. He also mentioned if you’re on blood thinners to not take it, and I’m sure there’s other reasons not to but I would do some research and mention that stuff to your doc if you think about it. He started taking it about 3 weeks ago and has already found a ton of relief. He still smokes just as much as he always has, just takes it a little easier on the joints and mainly smokes the bubbler and his oil pen. Cheers, hope you get better soon!
I hope he’s better by now!
yo i'm seeing this way late, but for anyone finding this later I want to add one voice of recommendation to not do it, with Bronchitis or any other throat/lung infection for that matter.

I've done it in the past thinking as most might that it may help pass the time more comfortably. Opposite was definitely true. Most physical symptoms got worse. Extra dry throat / trachea from the weed made the whole experience worse than it needed to be. I even tried cooking it into a buttery tea in lieu of smoking, still got high, effects were still rough. ymmv i guess and try it if you must, but i don't recommend.
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So I went to the doctor about 5 days ago and it turns out I got acute bronchitis, I haven’t been smoking and finished my medication that was given to me, I’ve been looking all over the internet to see if I could smoke with acute bronchitis but I don’t find any good answers. I know I couldn’t smoke blunts but are joints ok??? Thank you
That was probably covid-19
A good friend of mine’s in his 70s. He’s a pretty avid smoker and also has had bronchitis for the last 6 months now. His doctor turned him onto N Acetyl Cysteine. Told him it should help knock it out. He also mentioned if you’re on blood thinners to not take it, and I’m sure there’s other reasons not to but I would do some research and mention that stuff to your doc if you think about it. He started taking it about 3 weeks ago and has already found a ton of relief. He still smokes just as much as he always has, just takes it a little easier on the joints and mainly smokes the bubbler and his oil pen. Cheers, hope you get better soon!
He probably had covid. People were getting sick late 2019. I bet he has strong antibodies.
I had a bad cold like sickness in late 2019 early 2020, twice, two months apart. Nothing like it before in my life but I kept smoking without making things worse. My congestion though was more nasal.
Give your lungs a break, they heal very quickly. Damage your lungs permanently and you'll have problems for life. It would suck to have sex for 5 minutes at a time "wait "huff puff" I gotta get my "huff puff" breath back" or worse (yes there are things worse than that) COPD, Emphysema, increased risk for lung cancer, heart disease. poor circulation and impotency. Not to mention....early death. If the thought of breathing out of a bottle for the rest of your shortened life isnt enough to help you make the decision to just lay off for a week or two or switch to another method of consumption. Take care of your lungs, they are as important as your heart when it comes to life.
Do a search for Cannabis and Covid and it takes a while to find this gem.
