Well-Known Member
It effects the sperm count... not the quality.
That is all sperm is Miss just a chromosome X or Y. In order for sperm to cause problems their would have to be a genetic defect i.e chromosome damage. Things like fetal alcohol are birth defects cause during the development phases of the fetus. Stuff like down syndrome is caused by chromosome damage to be mores specific and extra chromosome.So you are convinced that what you as a man do does not affect his sperm? Underwear affects mens sperm for christ's sake.
I didn't say chromosome damage, I said it effects the sperm which is half of the baby.
Hard to say Miss, the sad thing is that very little actual research has been done for marijuana as a "medicine" because of its unfortunate legal status. I personally would not smoke if I could get pregnant. I would have no problem being sober for the nine months my significant other would be pregnant either though.So when a woman can't get her head out of the toilet from puking from morning sickness, is marijuana still a medicine?
Yeah I don't see any problem with one hit, hell I have seen mothers do worse while pregnant . . .I can say from personal experience that it is a wonderful medicine for morning sickness. One hitter and you could almost eat before puking again. I used it during my second pregnancy. My daughter is now 20 years old, with above average IQ. She is aware that I smoked when I was carrying her. She was glad I did. I did not during my first pregnancy and my son was born a month premature from me vomiting.
Made a huge difference from where I stand.
It just really burns my butt when men insist marijuana is "medicine" when they use it, but let a pregnant woman want to smoke one hit to help her nausea and suddenly it's bad and the kid will be fat with a tiny dick and retarded because the mother medicated.