smoking with the children

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no you got it right when you said he started smoking with me because he knew I could handle myself and be responsible with it, nothing spurred him to make some big "decision" lol he found out I had started to smoke weed, and he decided to smoke weed with me and my brother, and we'd just have a good time, I dont think its a big deal....anyways I guess its different for everyone...growing up all my friends parents smoked...we used to get picked up late nights by whoever's mom or dad, and they'd light up a joint taking us home...but I guess some people think thats crazy. I mean if your gonna be a parent, who likes to use cannabis, and then you find out your teenager smokes weed, then I think its pretty hypocritical to try and make them not smoke weed, unless it is indeed truly affecting their schoolwork or something...anyways it doesnt matter, to each his own.

TOTALLY agree. I know parents who still refuse to smoke with their ADULT children. Makes absolutely NO sense to me.

If the only reason a parent smokes with their kid is 'well he's gonna do it anyways' I think that's lazy parenting. You should do it because you know your kid is mature enough to handle it responsibly. Because you know he can smoke and keep up his grades and not get into stupid trouble.

I agree with the way you said your dad did it, I just DON'T agree if "he's gonna do it anyways" is the ONLY reason.
TOTALLY agree. I know parents who still refuse to smoke with their ADULT children. Makes absolutely NO sense to me.

If the only reason a parent smokes with their kid is 'well he's gonna do it anyways' I think that's lazy parenting. You should do it because you know your kid is mature enough to handle it responsibly. Because you know he can smoke and keep up his grades and not get into stupid trouble.

I agree with the way you said your dad did it, I just DON'T agree if "he's gonna do it anyways" is the ONLY reason.
Yeah I understand how you feel now...
I know grown friends too who have parents who smoke but they have never to this day smoked together like you said lol that certainly does not make sense haha its up to the parents to make that judgement whether their kids will not abuse it and let it distract them from their priorities.
In the end its all up to the parents, you are the ones who SHOULD know your kids...and please dont forget that you were once a kid and the generation you live in now 11 year olds can get drugs so dont be a imbecile and at the age of 18 talk to your kids about weed, cause you will get the funniest look you will ever recieve from your kid. You know your kids, do the right thing! Just remember wether or not you believe this, and I cant stress this enough, the generation that I live in and im 21 it was still around 15-16 when I could honestly say I could find drugs, and I went to a private catholic school.... I talk to my sister who is 18 and she is the one who got me to try weed at the age of 16! SHE WAS 13! Granted it was regs but still she said when she was 12 she knew people doing drugs at school and the sad thing is they half the time dont even know why they do it, other than to look cool and fit in! I just wish my father would have given me the talk telling me weed was ok but everything else wasnt. Because I grew up with a father who lived in his past generation rules still he was totally against any form of drugs all my life it was totally wrong to even think about using drugs and that was ANY drug... and excuse me for going off but just my .02 that should mean something to a parent, I tried weed when I was 16 and by the time I turned 17 I tried lets just say alot of the other drugs i dont want my children to ever try and to know why not to do them. I will gladly smoke with my children, me and my fiance already agreed that we would, but as for everyday and turning into your kids bestfriend I dont agree, everyonce inawhile let them take a puff or two on special occasions will benefit but my kids will get a talk and learn a little more about MJ everytime they get the balls to ask "Hey dad can I hit that maybe?"
In the end its all up to the parents, you are the ones who SHOULD know your kids...and please dont forget that you were once a kid and the generation you live in now 11 year olds can get drugs so dont be a imbecile and at the age of 18 talk to your kids about weed, cause you will get the funniest look you will ever recieve from your kid. You know your kids, do the right thing! Just remember wether or not you believe this, and I cant stress this enough, the generation that I live in and im 21 it was still around 15-16 when I could honestly say I could find drugs, and I went to a private catholic school.... I talk to my sister who is 18 and she is the one who got me to try weed at the age of 16! SHE WAS 13! Granted it was regs but still she said when she was 12 she knew people doing drugs at school and the sad thing is they half the time dont even know why they do it, other than to look cool and fit in! I just wish my father would have given me the talk telling me weed was ok but everything else wasnt. Because I grew up with a father who lived in his past generation rules still he was totally against any form of drugs all my life it was totally wrong to even think about using drugs and that was ANY drug... and excuse me for going off but just my .02 that should mean something to a parent, I tried weed when I was 16 and by the time I turned 17 I tried lets just say alot of the other drugs i dont want my children to ever try and to know why not to do them. I will gladly smoke with my children, me and my fiance already agreed that we would, but as for everyday and turning into your kids bestfriend I dont agree, everyonce inawhile let them take a puff or two on special occasions will benefit but my kids will get a talk and learn a little more about MJ everytime they get the balls to ask "Hey dad can I hit that maybe?"

me and this guy think alike!! :weed:
I still really don't like the argument "Oh they're gonna do it anyway" especially not because other kids are doing it and they're gonna try to be cool.

I don't know about you, but my parents raised me to have a mind of my own. I never did anything I didn't want to "just to be cool." Peer pressure only made me more stubborn to NOT do whatever it was.

I would hope you raise your kids to have stronger minds than that. Weak minds are easily lead astray.

And as for the "they're gonna do it anyway" -- like I said before, that just sounds like some lazy ass parenting to me. Anyone who thinks they would have done what they wanted anyways obviously didn't have parents like MINE.

no i dont agree but i understand its taboo to you, you smoke but you want some one else to turn you kids on to it, and even then you would not smoke with them, you live a life of do as i say but not as i do. you would till them weed is bad its, not good for you, its a gateway to a life of crime, all the while blowing top dolla kush

Thats what I meant - like maybe 14th 15th birthday and maybe christmas if theres a 4 month gap or long as its seen as a special and not everyday thing, and hell - only if they WANT to! :finger:

i feel you. this is what we all ment but someguys take things to the next level.
they think cuse they smoke every day they kids gone smoke every day, and thats not true - you be the cool dad not the dick head dad- the dick head dad lets his kids run a muck all over town with no guidance
, you would laydown ground rules so thats the kid know how to interact with other, so he wont be the kid you see on the bus rolling a fatty singing the latest n-word this, b-word that, rap song. load as hell , with his pants all off his ass,whereing a fuck the police wife beater,
you teach the children - i wonder how rasta's would way in on this topic. because they use weed as part of there religion, and they have kids.- teaching a child is dif. then just showing a child , if you teach a child he learns how, when, where, why, what, and who but if you show a child he only knows how and thats not enough-
the teen mothers are mother because they only know HOW to fuck and thats where it ends- just like we need sex-ed , kids of smoker need weed-ed
thats the dif, between kids that are taught and kids who are self taught a self taught kid will try other things to find the right thing

I reallly dont understand what your point is...and I dont know how peer pressure even fits into your post...but anyways your saying its lazy parenting, so wats your solution? what did your parents do? I dont think anyone on this thread said "my kids are gonna do all these things anyways so im just gonna let them and not even talk to them about it" and I dont think anyone said they wanted to "introduce" smoking weed or things like that to their kids...its not like that, I think they were just trying to get the point across that in general, kids or teens will do the things that they are not supposed to do, or that the parents wouldn't want them to do, but it doesnt mean its just a big free for all...would you recommend the parents give their kids no privacy, shelter the hell outta them and wont let them socialize because of the fear they might smoke weed before 18 or some if you shelter kids then they wont even know their limits and as soon as they are on their own they will go even more crazy because they didnt get any of that out of their system in their I dont think simply acknowledging the fact that kids will be kids means your a bad or lazy parent...
When my dad found out I had started smoking weed, he told me he had always smoked weed, he did a good job of hiding it from me cuz I really didnt know, and he started smoking with me at 15...but only once and a while, and because of the relaxed environment with weed, it actually made me follow his rules more, and respect him more, because he was so cool in other ways.. he became like a close friend but he was my Father first and for most, and I always remembered wouldnt work that well for all kids though I imagine.

i like that

Yeah I understand how you feel now...
I know grown friends too who have parents who smoke but they have never to this day smoked together like you said lol that certainly does not make sense haha its up to the parents to make that judgement whether their kids will not abuse it and let it distract them from their priorities.

thats the kind of people that looks at weed as a sin. they cant look you in the face
one time my mother ran into me and my wife on the boat (casino) and she really freaked out on us. i didnt think it was a big deal -later found out that to her the casino was a place for her to let loose and relax but when she saw us it was like we caught her sinning she almost cried and its not like everyone didnt already know she went there- she starts tilling me how bad it was to be there and how we was going to loose all our money and how she was greatly disa pointed in us- i hate people like that , you cant live life to ways with your kids. theyll never respect you if they found out the truth

now there kids are going to bring there kids up the same
{dear mom and dad,
if you're doing something that cant hurt and make you feel good , teach me that shit too, if i can be tryed as an adult, im ready, in some countries i would already be king and have the responsibilty of a whole nation on my shoulder. you better teach me or i will learn it on my own

P.S. dont be a dick about life.}

In the end its all up to the parents, you are the ones who SHOULD know your kids...and please dont forget that you were once a kid and the generation you live in now 11 year olds can get drugs so dont be a imbecile and at the age of 18 talk to your kids about weed, cause you will get the funniest look you will ever recieve from your kid. You know your kids, do the right thing! Just remember wether or not you believe this, and I cant stress this enough, the generation that I live in and im 21 it was still around 15-16 when I could honestly say I could find drugs, and I went to a private catholic school.... I talk to my sister who is 18 and she is the one who got me to try weed at the age of 16! SHE WAS 13! Granted it was regs but still she said when she was 12 she knew people doing drugs at school and the sad thing is they half the time dont even know why they do it, other than to look cool and fit in! I just wish my father would have given me the talk telling me weed was ok but everything else wasnt. Because I grew up with a father who lived in his past generation rules still he was totally against any form of drugs all my life it was totally wrong to even think about using drugs and that was ANY drug... and excuse me for going off but just my .02 that should mean something to a parent, I tried weed when I was 16 and by the time I turned 17 I tried lets just say alot of the other drugs i dont want my children to ever try and to know why not to do them. I will gladly smoke with my children, me and my fiance already agreed that we would, but as for everyday and turning into your kids bestfriend I dont agree, everyonce inawhile let them take a puff or two on special occasions will benefit but my kids will get a talk and learn a little more about MJ everytime they get the balls to ask "Hey dad can I hit that maybe?"

now thats real shit right there
i couldn't say it beter myself
thats how its done and what i mean
no i dont agree but i understand its taboo to you, you smoke but you want some one else to turn you kids on to it, and even then you would not smoke with them, you live a life of do as i say but not as i do. you would till them weed is bad its, not good for you, its a gateway to a life of crime, all the while blowing top dolla kush

Please show me where I said ANY of that.
when theyre wise enuff to ask to smoke with u,or the moment is rite.,.,read them up and teach em the golden rule they cant learn at scho0l.,.,
no i dont agree but i understand its taboo to you, you smoke but you want some one else to turn you kids on to it, and even then you would not smoke with them, you live a life of do as i say but not as i do. you would till them weed is bad its, not good for you, its a gateway to a life of crime, all the while blowing top dolla kush

Please show me where I said ANY of that.

I'm still waiting for an answer. Maybe you're not answering me because you can't find it, because I never said anything like that. You reading my posts and saying that's what I said would be like me reading YOUR posts and saying "this guy wants to smoke pot with 5 year old" -- it's not at all what your saying, it's an unfair twisting of your posts. I don't do that to you, please don't do it to me.
thats what you guys do
go get some more of your 1million rep budies and do what you do im done

That's what we do? What's what we do? I don't close threads...

And dude, what's your problem? You said I said something I didn't say, and I called you on it. All you have to say is "opps my bad, guess i'm too faded" or "i misread your post" or better yet, prove that I DID say what you claim I said.

Guess your kids are going to miss that lesson on admitting their mistakes.
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