smokout sessions while driving??


Well-Known Member
past the popo last night at 4 a.m.. high as a fucking kite, FORGOT TO TURN ON MY LIGHTS. I realized it right after i past him (then turned them on). He fucking pulled a U turn... had an 1/8 on me... tossed it out the window. He followed me for like a mile... I pulled into a Burger King... he kept on driving. I don't know how i didn't get pulled over...


Well-Known Member
I love getting some kfc or Mcdz, driving to the favorite spot overlooking Canery wharf and isle of dogs, smoking with my boys or my girls!


Well-Known Member
I do..but hardly ever. For some time EVERY time me or my friend are smoking in the car
a police pops up....

its freaky. never been busted tho

Sr. Verde

I love passing a joint or blunt while driving

lol my boy has it down now.

I have him in the passenger seat and im holding the pipe with my right hand, changing lanes with my left with the pipe in the side of my mouth while he lights me up.

I don't look for the joint or bowl or light because that's distracting, it's easy to take a hit and drive at the same time... As for joints when it gets passed i just put my fingers up and someone puts it in hand ;)

Crusin around jammin Atmosphere lightin up some buds is my ideal day. :joint:

Lol I've actually hit a 2ltr gravity bong in the car... That was awesome