smoky mountain outdoor grow


New Member
okay for u FAB lol... here are the pics of the female plant with white hairs i think?View attachment 2115737View attachment 2115738View attachment 2115739the last pic is the plant with the hairs!

okay these next pics are 2 plants that are yellowing on the leaves with black dots all over the yellow leaves. it seems to be startin at the bottom and comin up???View attachment 2115749View attachment 2115750

looks like fem to me
as for the sick leaves get a close up of a leave that is most effected and post


how u going to reveg outdoors ?
and any male get rid of as soon as u see one

im going to reveg bcuz theres only 12 and 13 hours of daylight here in the smoky mountains right now and that triggers flowering,therefore my plants are flowering now.
okay so at the end of may or early june is 15 or 16 hour days and will trigger my plants to reveg but im gonna cover one up for 12 hours so i can have a lil bud early...


New Member
im going to reveg bcuz theres only 12 and 13 hours of daylight here in the smoky mountains right now and that triggers flowering,therefore my plants are flowering now.
okay so at the end of may or early june is 15 or 16 hour days and will trigger my plants to reveg but im gonna cover one up for 12 hours so i can have a lil bud early...

oh ok yep that should do it
be careful of that frost u got headed in


i covered my plants up last nite but i dont think it even frosted??? oh well, better safe than sorry.

thanks for the rep lime!:bigjoint:


hey guys, i got to thinkin and my plant problem i was talkin about...well i bellieve it was nute burn... they are recovering jus fine tho. i have had a frost in my area recently but i covered those ladies up. i see new shoots and leaves so they are doin fine!!! well my plant that i am going to keep in flowing i have kept my eye on here and i can feel the buds forming in several places where the hairs are. i am going to harvest her twice bcuz she should be done flowering mid june. well here is some pics.
IMG_0461[1].jpgIMG_0463[1].jpgIMG_0462[1].jpgIMG_0464[1].jpgthe plant in the blue bucket is the one im going to flower, do u all think its sativa or indica or is it to hard to tell???


Well-Known Member
Wow they sure shot up going into flower stretch, lol.

Be sure to pick those buds off after it re veges. If you miss any they will mold and cause all kind of problems. Too bad she wouldn't let you leave them inside until the days were longer.

Good luck and enjoy your own home grown.


Wow they sure shot up going into flower stretch, lol.

Be sure to pick those buds off after it re veges. If you miss any they will mold and cause all kind of problems. Too bad she wouldn't let you leave them inside until the days were longer.

Good luck and enjoy your own home grown.

thanks for the advice brother, i forgot about reading that my plants would stretch pretty bad in the begining of flowering makes me feel better to know that all those branches will be filled in with nice big fluffy bud that I GREW MYSELF!!! 'yeah i know it brother i wish my wife wud have let me keep them in a lil longer until the days and nights changed but atleast i will find the males now! i already pulled one and verified 2 females and the other 5 aint showin me nothin yet. i say here within the next few days i will be able to sex them all... but thanks for stoppin by man, try to poke ur head in every now and then if u can i dnt mind a bit i love to get good advice on here bcuz it helps me on always improving my garden on to bigger and better things! Thanks alot, Kennyg


Weed Modifier
they can double(or more) is size during firsts few weeks of flowering(stretch) then they tend to chill for the remainder of flowering.