Well-Known Member
Advice noted thanks for all the feedback. Iv solved my prob for smell me thinks. Thinking about sticking the vacuum pack in a bottle of conditioner. Have ya ever herd of security checking shampoo bottles?
females are the more aggressive of any dog breed...........and u only think u would win against the dog ......dogs fight to the death they handle pain way better than u or i .....a cocker spaniel will bob and weave like dog u be ok .....2 cockers would eat your ass
Right... I really dought im gonna have cockers set on me.![]()
Edited for discretionWould be difficult for a human to find.. But a dog could still sniff it
Actually yes...cockers are sporting dogs that tend to snap at random moments without warning. Very effective killers of small game and woodcocks hence where the 'cocker' in their name came from. however given the size pose a very small risk to an adult as you could scruff it and snap it's neck fairly easy. Shit even a Jack Russel is an effective killer for it's size....stone cold killer...
Watch the episode of Mythbuster's where they test different things on a sniffer dog. It was quite informative and there's really not much you can do to get past them. Once you watch this you may rethink that idea. However, the idea of putting it in a "reproductive zone" MIGHT work.
Edit: I have searched high and low to find the video, and can't find it. They have all their other show available, but that one, LOL. I believe they are keeping it out of public knowledge, unless you saw it. Weird part is, they couldn't beat the sniffer dog (that's the title of the episode) so I don't understand why they wouldn't show it.
Is that the cop who sells videos on how to hide your drugs properly?never get busted again is a pretty good inside look at drug dogs, the guy who made the dvd trained drug dogs for like 17 years or something.