snapped main stem on outdoor 7 footer


Well-Known Member
was trying to lst the sucker down a lil' Snapp!!

here is the the splint/tape set-up I made!
GOPR1082.jpgmy finger is pointing to the part that snapped


Well-Known Member
oh. hows the splint thing working?
the leaves above are drooping pretty bad, but worst thing i did was just top it so whatever. Even though the strain im growing is one of those "main stem" kind of strains. Early girl is the strain. I have bigger fish on my plate as of now though, 2 drunks saw me walking back to my bike after visiting my plant and questioned the hell out of me, there house is like on the other side of the cornfield and up a lil dirt path, so im going to have to keep a very very low profile visiting the plants from now on.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
bro,, even if the top is disconnected.. trust me you will still get 4-8 new tops... seen it happen waaaaay to many times ... trust me.....
at the worst you will get 2......



Well-Known Member
3 days later, this plant splint doesn't seem to be signs of life on the broken reattached branch. Should i just removed it completely, and make a nice clean cut?


Active Member
I would... those look like no hope whatsoever... but I'd also have a little patience and wait to see if you get any yellowing before you take it off (i can't tell in the pic if there is or isn't)