I was given 3 clones yesterday to add to my collection of seedlings. The clones have started to root and aren't in a dome any longer. I just went to check on the plants a few minutes ago and the one clone was kinda leaning over and when I tried to lean the plant more upright, I head a "snap" sound. Upon inspection, I snapped the clone stem 3/4 of the way through on the main part of the stem below all the leaves. It is still connected but only barely. I briefly thought I would try to tape it but instead I just put it back where it was. It's sitting in a manner that it isn't blowing around and the 2 broken parts are sitting together as though it hadn't snapped.... Is this a goner? Or is there a chance the plant may repair itself?? Like I said, these were just given to me so Im not terribly upset either way, but if it can be saved I'd like to. Is the plant likely to heal itself?