Snorting DMT?


Well-Known Member
I think you might have a hard time getting cebil seeds through the main channels, alot of the big entheo traders took off all objectionable plant matter from their catalogs after bouncing bear's bust last week.
bbb is still up and selling cacti i think if not basement shaman still is and also ayahuasca vine and cebil seeds.;-) there is still hope


Well-Known Member
Really sucks about BBB. the good thing is they took M. Hostilis...all of a sudden you are going to find easier teks for...oh reed grass, prairie mimosa, maidens wattle etc...IMHO it will work as well as the crackdown on the Mex border in the 70's and 80's~ total backfire...ha ha ha we've got more better weed now (ashame it's more expensive)


Well-Known Member
Really sucks about BBB. the good thing is they took M. Hostilis...all of a sudden you are going to find easier teks for...oh reed grass, prairie mimosa, maidens wattle etc...IMHO it will work as well as the crackdown on the Mex border in the 70's and 80's~ total backfire...ha ha ha we've got more better weed now (ashame it's more expensive)
SO thus you're saying there are other extractions possible with various (underground) active/content sources which are not as widespread/prevalently known about?

Please explain more on the crackdown of the mexican border?


Well-Known Member
SO thus you're saying there are other extractions possible with various (underground) active/content sources which are not as widespread/prevalently known about?

Please explain more on the crackdown of the mexican border?
DMT is in many many things. i've heard that the straight to base method works with other root barks too, but this is here say. it DOES however reside there.

as far as the mexican border thing, it's pretty well documented that the indoor growing revolution occurred in large part as a response to tighter borders/crack down on smuggling in general.


Well-Known Member
DMT is probably the widest spread substance accross all living objects.
At this stage I just reccommend everyone order seeds too with their next purchace... keep the self-sufficiency thing going....


Well-Known Member
Its all over the web, but I'd say the best place to keep updated is a Dmt-nexus, as his father posts there with updates etc.