Snorting vitamins. (A.k.A Ecstasy)


Well-Known Member
I want a census from people.

Does snorting ecstasy burn?

Everyone says it does and I've never had it burn when I have sniffed it.

Pure MD MA on the other hand is another story.

Sniffed a capsule of that and rolled on the floor for 2 hours cause of the pain. (no pun intended lol)

Just want to is it me or is it a general population.

BTW yes I'm bored. :sleep:


Well-Known Member
its stupid as fuc, eat the damn pill

leave the snorting to the beautiful white lady, or other pills, ex is a wast of time and money if you snort it, coming from personal experience


Well-Known Member
Yes snorting an ecstasy pill burns like a motherfucker...especially since one pill makes a pretty fat ass line. You really shouldn't snort them though because there is a bunch of other shit in the pills beside ecstasy that you don't want up your nose...and taking them orally works just as good. You can snort molly if you want though.

Ive heard A lot of people say colon rollin is the best way to roll, but I for one am not willing to shove a pill up my ass just to get a little bit higher.


Well-Known Member
tired smorting years ago, spent an hour snorting water up my nose to help with the burn. so yeah, snort it, lol

magikal chronik

Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3131357]its stupid as fuc, eat the damn pill

leave the snorting to the beautiful white lady, or other pills, ex is a wast of time and money if you snort it, coming from personal experience[/QUOTE]



Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah, it burns like a burning motherfugger. Only thing I've had burn worse is sceletium powder (sadly its also the best way of doseing that), apart from the burn there is also the horrile tasteing nasal drip.
I never snorted much coke in my life (I was more of a crackhead in my day), but the times idid, i always marveled at the icecreamy backdrops coke had.... A bit like the sweet centre in a fireball jawbreaker.

Oh yeah, sticking it up the bum realy works (not 5 minutes though) tripped balls that way before when i had a bit of a stomach problem (acid reflux).


Oracle of Hallucinogens
When I blew E, it was mdma & crystal.. didn't sting for more than a quick sec. Some of you guys are straight up pussies.


Well-Known Member
When I blew E, it was mdma & crystal.. didn't sting for more than a quick sec. Some of you guys are straight up pussies.
We're talking about crushed up pills, not molly. I've snorted plenty of doesn't compare to snorting an ecstasy pill.


Well-Known Member
i never understood snorting crushed up pills, E or otherwise. so much shit pressed into pills that shouldnt be going up your nose.