Snow water extraction....the results.


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Did a harvest last night 4 plant scrog grow it's all still drying but i had some fun with the trimmings today.
I had saved all the nice sugar leaves and put all the buds that were under the screen in. Put it all in a bucket with a couple of shovel fulls of snow, mixed well for 10 min, ran thru the strainer a couple of times with a quick second rinse, seperated the resin by allowing it to settle then siphoning off the water, strain whats left thru coffee filter and put on paper towels to dry fully. I'm up to drying stage now...

Going to put it all in a plastic envelope and cook it for a bit to melt it all together then press it some, but it's gotta be fully dry or it could mold.

So here's were i'm's super sticky you can see the one little piece that i was playing with it's pressed into a disc, the one on the plate pic. The color is a golden brown with a touch of green. I figure it's about 3 grams, but wish it was 100g.

you can see how the spoon got sticky just scrapping it up...sweet.



Well-Known Member
I've done it this way a couple of times and gotten good results. This time was the best, i just did 2 tokes and am having a hard time typing

programmer rules apply...gigo garbage in garbage out.

you don't want to put more than a cup or 2 or water thru the coffe strainer, move to smaller conainers and wait wait wait then sypon water again until you have golden goodness....

I just mashed it wall up with my fingers and it's like jamaican gum totally kick ass 4g too i was happy. Shit like this would cost you $20-25 a g here if you could find anyone who would part with it....




Well-Known Member
Hey all,

There was 1 mid sized brown bag full, about 1/3 of a shopping bag sized one (paper bag) with a fair number of small buds from under the screen.
