Snow White



race mixing/ giantess fetish snow white?
Not exactly.

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Snow White as the Queen ..
I found very interesting the video in the song "Sonne" from the German metal band Rammstein.They are from Berlin and formed their band in 1994, the band consist of six boys. They like to use fairy tales theme in their videos but they show the dark and sexual side of them. Enjoy the song and keep reading......... This is a quite different description of the pure Snow White of the Brothers Grimm but we find some similarities as well. In the video she is wearing the same clothes as she wears in the Disney movie but the look of her face is not as pure as the Brothers Grimm make her to be. In the video we do not see any other character as the wicked/queen, the hunter, or the prince, just Snow White and the seven dwarfs. I think all the characters are personified in her she is the wicked addicted/queen and that house is her kingdom and the dwarfs are her slaves. Her beauty and size makes the dwarfs to obey her and bring her the gold to sniff it ( as a drug). It is very interesting because in this description Snow White is the evil and the one to harm her self but the dwarfs are also helping her to kill herself providing her with the gold poison (drug). At the time where she is punishing them spanking them you can not actually see her arm but in the shadow you will see the dark image of her that personify the dark side of Snow White. Another image showing that Snow White is personified as the wicked queen or maybe as ( Snow Whites evil side not shown in the original tale) she is sitting in front of a mirror and one of the dwarfs is combing her hair with a comb that here does not seem to be harming her. In many tales this shows that she has the power and the dwarfs are her slaves.Though she posses more sexual power as the dwarfs are sexually attracted by her. Another similarity we have the apple that even in this song plays an important part.The dwarfs are polishing the apples for her apparently the apple personify Snow White, she likes the red apples as red as her lips. In this case is not the apple who kills her but her addiction for the gold drug. We can compare it with the original tale as the Queen in the Disney version is her addiction for beauty who made her evil and killed her. So this can be interpreted that every addiction can kill you if not controlled. In this song after she is found dead overdosed in the bath , the dwarfs dressed her so they sow her naked and put her in a glass casket at the top of the mountain same as the original tale. What wakes Snow White up is not a prince but the apple that falls from the tree breaking the glass that in the original tale is what kills her.We will even see one of the dwarfs with a big guitar at the top of the hill that can be the same dwarf in the original tale that stayed as a guard to protected her dead body. As many similar episodes can be found between the Brothers Grimm tale and Rammstein but interpreted differently but Rammstein did not what to say us this is another tale but that this is the same tale but another side of it. Another similarity that i found the only one that is unique with the original tale is the love of the dwarfs for Snow White, after she dies they are both sad same as in the tale and in the song .We have a guard that stays to protect her but in the original tale it is her goodness that makes her to be loved and in this song it it her sexuality that makes them to love her. In this song she is strong but she is the one to harm herself so Rammstein are trying to tell us that we can harm our self more than other can do if the evil side of us is superior to our good side. I like the description of Snow White in this song i find it more realistic and it would be interesting if this version would have been a movie. In the song are many under themes that shows the real personalty how human kind is and if we would compare it with the Jungian or Freudian psychology the description of Snow White in this song would have been closer on how man kind thinks and behaves

Rammstein - Sonne (Official Video) (15).gif

Here is a link providing German to English translation that also gives some context.

Not exactly.

Cut/paste from

Snow White as the Queen ..
I found very interesting the video in the song "Sonne" from the German metal band Rammstein.They are from Berlin and formed their band in 1994, the band consist of six boys. They like to use fairy tales theme in their videos but they show the dark and sexual side of them. Enjoy the song and keep reading......... This is a quite different description of the pure Snow White of the Brothers Grimm but we find some similarities as well. In the video she is wearing the same clothes as she wears in the Disney movie but the look of her face is not as pure as the Brothers Grimm make her to be. In the video we do not see any other character as the wicked/queen, the hunter, or the prince, just Snow White and the seven dwarfs. I think all the characters are personified in her she is the wicked addicted/queen and that house is her kingdom and the dwarfs are her slaves. Her beauty and size makes the dwarfs to obey her and bring her the gold to sniff it ( as a drug). It is very interesting because in this description Snow White is the evil and the one to harm her self but the dwarfs are also helping her to kill herself providing her with the gold poison (drug). At the time where she is punishing them spanking them you can not actually see her arm but in the shadow you will see the dark image of her that personify the dark side of Snow White. Another image showing that Snow White is personified as the wicked queen or maybe as ( Snow Whites evil side not shown in the original tale) she is sitting in front of a mirror and one of the dwarfs is combing her hair with a comb that here does not seem to be harming her. In many tales this shows that she has the power and the dwarfs are her slaves.Though she posses more sexual power as the dwarfs are sexually attracted by her. Another similarity we have the apple that even in this song plays an important part.The dwarfs are polishing the apples for her apparently the apple personify Snow White, she likes the red apples as red as her lips. In this case is not the apple who kills her but her addiction for the gold drug. We can compare it with the original tale as the Queen in the Disney version is her addiction for beauty who made her evil and killed her. So this can be interpreted that every addiction can kill you if not controlled. In this song after she is found dead overdosed in the bath , the dwarfs dressed her so they sow her naked and put her in a glass casket at the top of the mountain same as the original tale. What wakes Snow White up is not a prince but the apple that falls from the tree breaking the glass that in the original tale is what kills her.We will even see one of the dwarfs with a big guitar at the top of the hill that can be the same dwarf in the original tale that stayed as a guard to protected her dead body. As many similar episodes can be found between the Brothers Grimm tale and Rammstein but interpreted differently but Rammstein did not what to say us this is another tale but that this is the same tale but another side of it. Another similarity that i found the only one that is unique with the original tale is the love of the dwarfs for Snow White, after she dies they are both sad same as in the tale and in the song .We have a guard that stays to protect her but in the original tale it is her goodness that makes her to be loved and in this song it it her sexuality that makes them to love her. In this song she is strong but she is the one to harm herself so Rammstein are trying to tell us that we can harm our self more than other can do if the evil side of us is superior to our good side. I like the description of Snow White in this song i find it more realistic and it would be interesting if this version would have been a movie. In the song are many under themes that shows the real personalty how human kind is and if we would compare it with the Jungian or Freudian psychology the description of Snow White in this song would have been closer on how man kind thinks and behaves

Rammstein - Sonne (Official Video)
View attachment 5240861

Here is a link providing German to English translation that also gives some context.
