so a small storm is coming will they survive


Active Member
let's just say for educational purposes we have a few plants that were just recently transplant outside on a sunny day that was 80 degrees and very sunny and the plot has been getting rain for the past week it had about 7 to 8 hours of great sunlight before the sun started 2 set the next day it was gloomy a little cloudy but still patches of sun came through 2day , day 3 the plants are getting rained on again with a light mist but there is little to no sunlight out because of the rain but they are calling for 3 to 4 inches of rain possible and its under storm watch should the plan be covered and protected or let them live in their natural habitat the only thing I am worried about is that the storm is coming too soon after the transplant

Also 4 educational purposes lets say the plans are all over a month old and about 4-5 sets of leaves
77 folk just got killed by storms in the US, i think you might wanna take precautions just in case for diddy little plants like that.