I am a new growing and I am having a blast at it, This has
actually turned into a family affair! My spouse who is so uptight about
everything has totally gotten into helping with the gardening! Ok, well maybe
not totally, I have been working on my garden area most of yesterday and
thought I have everything cleaned up, However it was pointed out to me that I
left a tiny spot of potting soil that I has missed when I swept up and got some
grief over it. My other half even cleaned out several areas and boxed up or got
rid of a bunch of other crap we had laying around so I could have more room for
the garden and supplies! (even going as far as getting rid of about 2 dozen
pair of shoes which just about caused me to fall over)
Anyway, I am having a blast at this, I have meet some really
cool people so far and have learned a lot. I have a lot more to learn, We are
planning to move out of our townhouse over the next couple months into a larger
house. The plan is either use an extra bedroom for hydroponics or the garage if
I can secure it well enough.
I am also learning the art of grafting my plants. I am
ordering and only using professional tools, There are many videos on Youtube on
grafting, some are well how can I say, Dumb-asses who should not be allowed to
touch anything living! I saw one guy who cut the entire plant just about 4
inches above the ground to graft 1 tiny clone, WTF, he killed the entire plant
which was about a 3 foot plant and created 1 4 inch plant. ( on a latter post
he admitted it died . DUH)
I spend a couple hours a day just researching and learning
about gardening this beautiful green plant, I have wanted to grow for several
years but didnt have the nerve to bring it up to my other half LOL.
My son is even showing a little interest, He understands
what he can talk about and what he can not talk about! I would hate to go to a
teachers meeting and the teachers and AIDS ask me how my garden is doing LOL
I have been qualified to get my medical card for a long
time, I have no excuse why I waited so long. I think one clinic had a test to
see of you would qualify, You needed a score of 3 or 4 and I scored 35! I have
rumatoid arthritis in my spine and so far had had to have 4 surgeries and had
had spinal cord damage, I have been in constant pain for several years, I also
get complex cluster migraines, ( that was what that reporter had when she
started talking gibberish live on the
air. The migraines can last 2 to 3 weeks and I have had to go to the ER for
shots of narcotics, usually delauded. The pain relieving qualities of weed for
me has literally gave me a life back.