So can cops trace where you live from this website???


Well-Known Member
Yes its possible... but pretty hard to accomplish. They'll have to get a warrant which gives them the right to seize the IP info from this site's administrator.
Every since 2001 The Federal Government no longer needs a warrant to tap phones or track down IP's or see what your doing on your computer at home. Just learned that today. ;)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by ontariogrower

I tell people im from canada but really im from mexico or was it australia I always get two to mixed up

Hell i don't know where im at now:P



New Member
my buddies uncle is rcmp smokes weed, my accountants dad is a retired one smokes weed, school friend pulled me over i was stoned and was like ..... our a cop now you smoked more weed then anyone at school lol and his partner laughed and he just walked away. There are lots of cops that think weed and growing weed is kool just give them the respect they deserve, a couple pics i think alright but huge grows and how much pot you have is kinda spitting in their face. i just hate some of the laws they have to follow.


Well-Known Member
yo even if the could theyd go after the big ass crop growers. They wouldnt even bother with the load of pepl growing 2 and 3 plants in their closets.......ya kno.....yea you do.


Well-Known Member
my buddies uncle is rcmp smokes weed, my accountants dad is a retired one smokes weed, school friend pulled me over i was stoned and was like ..... our a cop now you smoked more weed then anyone at school lol and his partner laughed and he just walked away. There are lots of cops that think weed and growing weed is kool just give them the respect they deserve, a couple pics i think alright but huge grows and how much pot you have is kinda spitting in their face. i just hate some of the laws they have to follow.

I agree very much so, I plan on becoming a cop soon as I graduate. =)

Remember, not ALL cops are assholes, but yes... you do get those occasional self-rightious cops who think they can stop all crime on earth...


New Member
some of you post pics of pounds and pounds of weed and huge outdoor plants and 4 to 6 lighters and your living in america where that would get you a year minimum


Well-Known Member
some of you post pics of pounds and pounds of weed and huge outdoor plants and 4 to 6 lighters and your living in america where that would get you a year minimum
not sure I follow you, But I know where I live... its 3 or more plants and its a 2,000$fine and or 5 years in prison.

1-2 plants= 500$ fine and or 1 year in jail.

Cool shit huh? since in some states all you need is a medical card for it to be legally grown... feels like something has been lost in translation or something...


Well-Known Member
lmao its hard? are you kidding me it will take 5 seconds,the owner of this domain/website has a IP adress you dont think the FBI cant track someone to their exact adress within 5 minutes? Now going through the legal process and making that legal may take awhile but then again that all depends on what you post. Im sure the FBI can get a warrant for someone claiming they grow and sell 20 lbs a month faster than some college kid growing a plant in his apartment.


Well-Known Member
Never underestimate the goverment.. They can prove that you posted a picture from your digital camera becuase it leaves like a watermark serial code. They wont just burst in they will watch your house waiting for you to slip. (like trash or dogs)


Well-Known Member
they can do it but there is so much money involved in the investigation for a petty theft its not worth their while. they are after the grows that are in the thousands of pounds


Well-Known Member
It all comes down to reasonable doubt. Unless you got pics of yourself on here then who is to say that it was you who posted on the forum. It could be your kid/brother/parent/spouse/neighbor who is doing it. If you have a wireless router then your defense could be that it was an unscrupulous neighbor who was doing the posting.

Unless you sent in your registration card to the manufacturer, they aren't going to be able to find you by the cameras ser # info.


Well-Known Member
It looks to me like the webserver this site is hosted on is in L.A somewhere. If the Feds wanted to they could get a warrant to raid the webhosting company and confiscate the server.

That would give them access to the webserver log files and through a fairly difficult process they could filter through the connections and HTTP requests to build a list of those that posted data on this website.

That said, that is probably not how they would do it. Most E-Crimes labs are horribly undermanned and completely overworked. That is why the Feds do not do it that way unless the webserver is hosted at a private address.

The way they would do it is either serve a warrant on the hosting company to supply a full account of all incoming and outgoing between x.x.x date to x.x.x date to website which is hosted on one of their reseller servers.

The hosting company would then have to assign an engineer to troll through and compile a detailed report.

The other way is as an interception warrant where the Feds can serve one on a web hosting company and have them assign an engineer to compile data based around a set of parameters. Interception warrants are more about focussing on certain individuals activities rather than an en mass approach of the search warrant.

The problem with that is collateral damage. Generally more people get caught up in those types of warrants than the ones being focussed on.

Last year in this country the Secret Intelligence Service issued search warrants for certain individuals they thought were participating in a terrorist group on a website that is this countrys version of EBay.

It resulted in the records and personal details of 10,000 users being caught up in the mix, when the warrants were only for something like 8 people.

In general though, if they are after individuals then they already know where they stay, therefore would already have an interception warrant logging all their incoming and outgoing from their home connections at the users internet service provider (ISP), therefore also intercepting data at the webserver end would just be icing on their cake.

Now, how to the Feds make the connection between you connecting to this site and making a post, and the actual details of your post, which the webserver logs do not save. The weblogging systems save the IP address, the action committed i.e. you posted something, the timestamp, the browser type you used, what page if any you were on previous (the referer).

What is doesnt collect is what you send through in your post. That is collected at the database and stored along with a hash code of your IP Address.

So with a copy of the confiscated database tables and content, and a copy of the log file pertaining to this site they could possibly track users to IP addresses and to what they posted.

So ways to make this more difficult.

Prevention before any type of interception is the best policy.

- For the user of this site, if you live in the USA you can use an anonymous proxy from outside the US. That way the IP stored in the webservers database is from a server outside the USA.
- To protect the data on the database, the web admin of this site would have to hack into the script and edit it not to collect IP addresses. That way there is no correlation between server logs and database post logs.
- To protect the users whose connections could be being monitored at their ISP as a part of a sting, the web admin would have to install an SSL certificate so that there is an encrypted connection between your web browser and the Rollitup webserver. Much like what happens when you log into your web banking.

The first option is one anyone can do. There are a myriad of websites on the net offering free anonymous proxys. You can download free proxy testers to make sure the one you choose to use is really anonymous. For people outside the USA I wouldnt worry too much about that anyways.

The next option could be a simple change in code or it could be quite difficult. That is up to the web admins to do.

The third option costs money. SSL certificates are like at least USD$100 a year, not cheap, they also can cause the server load to increase and have to be carefully used so as not to do that. I can understand if the web admins here don't install one for those reasons. They could also be targetted as a grudge match by the Feds for nullifying a technique the Feds thought was bullet proof (ISP side interceptions).


Well-Known Member
It all comes down to reasonable doubt.....If you have a wireless router then your defense could be that it was an unscrupulous neighbor who was doing the posting....
Sure, and in most cases that is how it has worked well in the past when hackers have been traced to their houses and used that trick to create what the Feds thought was a rock solid trail of evidence.

The problem is where unscrupulous DEA agents use confiscated data from webservers or intercepted data from their targets ISP to fool some dumb arsed judge into issue search warrants on the targets house. Sure they might find out that the posts were made from a wireless connection made from the targets neighbors place because they didnt secure their WiFi.

But that still means theyre in your house and searching and hey presto theres a few medicimal plants cranking away set to create reefer madness and anti-socialism whereever they may be smoked.

There are quite a few people who have been caught up in child porn stings, and hacking investigations, like that who never downloaded a thing or were never involved in any hacking activity. End result is their house still got raided, their computers hauled away never to be seen again and their arses dragged off to interview rooms.


Well-Known Member
lol there is other things that cops rather worry about marijuana is getting low on the list. hell its already legal for medical use you have nothing to worry about


Junior Creatologist
Sorry if this has already been said, i didnt read the entire thread. Its possible for a cop to obtain your ip address, but he has to get a warrant for a specific person, not just a warrant to search the riu database. You can take preventative measures by getting yourself a proxy server. If you cant afford the technology, you can always use a proxy server website. Riu has an advertisement banner for one, plus you can go to . Im not gonna give up the site i used to use before i got my own proxy, because you never know when your gonna need a contingency, lol. A proxy will give you a masked ip address, and if you wanted it to, you could make it say that you live in Puerto Rico, rather than Country Bumpkin, Idaho. Hell, you could make it say that you live in Amsterdam dude.

of course once again, there are ways around this, but the cops would have to bring down some serious tech rats from a different department, and take some time to work on it in order to crack your proxy. This is all a hell of alot of bullshit to bust somebody. But when you think about it, if they were to get a warrant for somebody in particular, it would more than likely be somebody talking about a giant commercial grow with a ton of lighting, and a hundred + plants. Smaller growers wouldnt have anything to worry about i would think man. Besides, if your growing larger quantities of pot than the average poster on here does, you really shouldnt be talkin shit about your grow ANYWHERE in public anyways man, lol. Not unless your doing it in a country or state where mass quantities of bud can be grown legally.


Well-Known Member
lol there is other things that cops rather worry about marijuana is getting low on the list.
You know people around where I come from keep telling me that too, yet when I look on the news most of the raids this past year have been on grow houses which have stemmed from informants dobbing in their dealers who are followed back to the grower.

Even the police here same the same thing that dope is low on their list of priorities, but I wonder if that is a load of bullshit to make growers get arrogant and laxed in their security because the occurances of raids has not dropped off which means they are still assigning a significant amount of resources to the weed industry.

hell its already legal for medical use you have nothing to worry about
Is that true for every state in the US?