So Close! Almost 10wks Flowering, 150w HPS


Well-Known Member
Alrighty, these will the be the last pictures of the ladies till harvest day, they are sooooo close. I see probably 30% amber on the leaves close to the top buds, and 10% amber on the bud itself. I really want to couch lock effect so I am going to wait it out just a few more days. What do ya'll think? enjoy the porn.



Well-Known Member
I used a 150w HPS and some 26w CFL side lighting. There are actually 4 ladies total, I just didn't take pics of the other 2.


Well-Known Member
It is bagseed from some local dank I bought, they were about 12 inches tall when I started flowering, 4 weeks veg.


Well-Known Member
It seems like it is taking forever to see more amber, any ideas? I have been feeding just water since the middle of week 7 thinking they would be done by week 9.


Well-Known Member
This is truly inspirational. I was planning on getting 4 150's but I found a deal for a 600w digital kit at HTGSupply for $218 shipped and I can't beat that with a stick! So I can't wait to see what my grow is going to do!

It's a bagseed grow that started under 5 6500k CFL's and 1 2300k CFL, in a cup of organic soil that, instead of transplanting, I just placed in a Sunleaves "Garden of Ease" hydro kit, and the roots that escaped the cups are now swimming about in my reservoir. Anyway, since then (I moved it to the hydro system at about its 8th node and it's now at its 16th node) I started LST-ing, then recently I supercropped the lateral branches that were growing to tall so that now I have a 16 node tall by 24 node wide (at the lowest branches) bush.

Like I said, this is truly inspirational because I'm about to start flowering with a 600w HPS (90,000 lumens) and those 5 CFL's for the first time ever and I can't wait to see what becomes of it! :D