So excited, just ordered my 1000 watt hps :)


Well-Known Member
Going from the wrong spectrum CFL's, to banging out mass lumens of goodness. My ladies are going to love this, cant wait to see the difference.


Anyone else want to crap there pants going from cfl to HID? Almost makes me feel like im graduating from little league. hahaha!


Active Member
You and the plants will love it.
I just hope you have the ventilation for it?
Cause that light is going to get hot real hot!


Well-Known Member
This is a bday present from my gf, no vents yet but getting a window AC and a in line fan for the cool tube, going to start off at half power with just my current fans and see how serious the venting will need to be.


Well-Known Member
bump / what kind of fan should i do for a 5/5/8 room? with a 1k watter? I mean how powerful, it will be only 5-6 feet or less from ceiling where im gonna vent the shit to.


Active Member
Any fan that helps move air will work and if it blows on plants it much better I'm using a Walmart 10 dollar fan


Well-Known Member
ahahah you haven't graduated just cause you bought urself a new tv... you gotta master the new tv first bro.


Active Member
In over your head.You are really under estimating the heat those babies put out.Well worth it once dialed in though, I just hope you dont fry your current plants while trying to figure er out.


Well-Known Member
1000watts lets see...

I used a 600watt MH/HPS last indoo grow and the bulb was HOT AS FUUUCK.

no joke I burned myself in less then 1 second bumping into the heatshield thingy reflector mabobbers it was in a cooltube with a 550 rpm exhaust fan and what not... the bulb was like 3feet away from the leaves... for a 1000watt I would def be careful with smaller plants... do a bit a research and see who failed and who won... also use the yo yo clips soo much easier to adjust the light bulb....

Also ummmm.......... dont get oil on the hps bulb touch it with a paper towel when u screw it in... also turn it off if you ever start misting it other wise doooooooooom lol jk ;).

Anyways those have mercury so be extra extra careful not to break them otherwise your fuck a bunch of people over including yourself... if one breaks know that mercury evaporates and fucking run away as fast as you can and exit the closet door and leave it open hopefully your doing it in the garage so that you wont have to open a window in ur room....

Anyways extra careful and more wind = stronger stems = stronger straws = more nutrients when the plant wants = more comfort = bigger bud potential = danker dank dank dank dank = thank god i listened = shit i should of learned how to harvest and cure right = fuck man i should of known it would be harder with more energy=biggerplants=morecontrolrateissures=more variables ehhh just know ur newb again and quit making urself think ur a master lol...

Just like in the bible it says if you think ur wise make urself a fool to become wiser.


Active Member
Assuming he has everything else needed like venting and ductwork then a tnenen doallar fan is dope Lol. Fans don't "cool" you Dan they just make u feel less hot because of air and all fans blow air lol


Well-Known Member
Going from the wrong spectrum CFL's, to banging out mass lumens of goodness. My ladies are going to love this, cant wait to see the difference.:mrgreen:Anyone else want to crap there pants going from cfl to HID? Almost makes me feel like im graduating from little league. hahaha!
Congrats on the hardware upgrade. Make sure you start way back on the light positioning or you will stress your plants.

Invest in a closed fixture if you haven't already and an inline fan to exhaust the heat out. My 400w HID will burn your face off without proper ventilation, imagine what a 1000 watter can do. Only thing holding you back from pounds of buds is your gardening skills. Let's see what you can do? Good luck


Well-Known Member
yeah i got a large hood coming with it, cool tube. I think all i will really need to do, is put a duct / fan from window through tube, and out into attic. so the ducting / tube total distance will be about... 6-12 feet, how kick ass of a fan should be used for that? or separate fans? trying to keep costs low so one inline fan would be ideal. As for other fans in the room i got plenty.


Well-Known Member
I really like my cool tube on the 400w. It have a 4" fan at 172cfm running same distance into attic with a carbon filter at the end.

I would say you need a 6" or 8" fan, but it depends on the size of your room. Here is a calculator for figuring fan CFMs.

or you can do it the hard way...

1.) Convert all inches into feet
inches ÷ 12 = feet
38÷12=3.16'ft W (rounded up to 3.2)
28÷12=2.3'ft D (rounded up to 2.4)
42÷12=3.5'ft H
2.) Find the volume, feet cubed, of your cab.
multiply Width × Depth × Height
W × D × H = feet cubed

3.2'ftW × 2.4'ftD × 3.5'ftH = 26.88'ft3
3.) Find for Exchange CFM rate. We want to echange the volume of the cab 4 to 5 times a minute. I will use the value of 5.
feet cubed × 5 = Exchange CFM
26.88'ft3 × 5 = 134.4CFM
4.) Find for Additional Electrical Cooling CFM rate. Add all the watts of all equipment inside the cab.
total watts of all equipment ÷ 4 = Additional Electrical Cooling CFM
250 watt light + 50 watt additional equipment = 300 Total Watts
300 Total Watts ÷ 4 = 75 AEC CFM
5.) Add the two CFM rates to get Total CFM
Exchange CFM + AEC CFM = Total CFM
134.4 Exchnage CFM + 75 AEC CFM = 209.4 CFM
6.) Find the CFH (Cubic Feet per Hour) from the Total CFM rate.
Total CFM × 60 = CFH
209.4 Total CFM × 60 = 12564 CFH

7.) Find for the amount of carbon needed for the filter.
CFH × grams per foot of activated carbon (0.36) = total amount of carbon required.
12564 CFH × 0.36g per ft = 4523.04g

8.) Divide the amount (in grams) of total carbon by the length to yield the radius quotient. This is done with 2.6cm thickness as a constant.


Well-Known Member
I really like my cool tube on the 400w. It have a 4" fan at 172cfm running same distance into attic with a carbon filter at the end.

I would say you need a 6" or 8" fan, but it depends on the size of your room. Here is a calculator for figuring fan CFMs.

or you can do it the hard way...

1.) Convert all inches into feet
inches ÷ 12 = feet
38÷12=3.16'ft W (rounded up to 3.2)
28÷12=2.3'ft D (rounded up to 2.4)
42÷12=3.5'ft H
2.) Find the volume, feet cubed, of your cab.
multiply Width × Depth × Height
W × D × H = feet cubed

3.2'ftW × 2.4'ftD × 3.5'ftH = 26.88'ft3
3.) Find for Exchange CFM rate. We want to echange the volume of the cab 4 to 5 times a minute. I will use the value of 5.
feet cubed × 5 = Exchange CFM
26.88'ft3 × 5 = 134.4CFM
4.) Find for Additional Electrical Cooling CFM rate. Add all the watts of all equipment inside the cab.
total watts of all equipment ÷ 4 = Additional Electrical Cooling CFM
250 watt light + 50 watt additional equipment = 300 Total Watts
300 Total Watts ÷ 4 = 75 AEC CFM
5.) Add the two CFM rates to get Total CFM
Exchange CFM + AEC CFM = Total CFM
134.4 Exchnage CFM + 75 AEC CFM = 209.4 CFM
6.) Find the CFH (Cubic Feet per Hour) from the Total CFM rate.
Total CFM × 60 = CFH
209.4 Total CFM × 60 = 12564 CFH

7.) Find for the amount of carbon needed for the filter.
CFH × grams per foot of activated carbon (0.36) = total amount of carbon required.
12564 CFH × 0.36g per ft = 4523.04g

8.) Divide the amount (in grams) of total carbon by the length to yield the radius quotient. This is done with 2.6cm thickness as a constant.
Great post man, I'm going to print that shit out so ill have it whenever i set up a grow. Right now im not using a scrubber for air, since all the air is contained. I heard bad things about pumping out heat from windows n shit, because of the infa red cams. So ill be using the attic so the heat disperses through the whole building. plus it means no dank smell to scrub that wed be pumping out. I was soooo not prepaired for the money it really takes for indoor growing lol. It's def not something you just throw together cause you had the stuff laying around. lol


Well-Known Member
You could run 6" ducting, fan, and filter. Don't forget a variable speed controller so you can crank it up or down and fine tune. I called my hydro guys and gave them my dimensions and equipment and they provided the proper fan for the job. Doesn't have to be difficult but it is a very important part of your setup.


Nice thing about the cool tubes is you can tuck the fixture up close to the canopy and maximize light penetration without burn. My 400 runs 5-6" from the top of the plants and the plants don't stretch.

Yes, the dollars fly out of your wallet when you first get going. But, after a couple a grows you stop spending money on equipment and the ROI improves.